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Code Quality Metrics

Giovanni Grano edited this page Dec 28, 2018 · 1 revision

1. Dimensional Metrics

Rationale: this kind of metric is aimed at providing a quantitative measure of the software in terms of co de sizes and mo dularity. Despite a large code size can be a symptom of a lot of provided features, it might led to an higher probability to contain bugs [1].

Metrics Description Measuring Method
Number of Byte- code Instructions (NBI) This metric counts the total number of smali byte-code instructions, ignor- ing comment lines and blank lines (i.e., NCLOC) This metric is evaluated by counting all the smali byte-code instructions not beginning with the characters “#” (since it introduces a comment line) and “.”
Number of Classes (NOC) This metric computes the number of classes within the app package The metric is computed by counting the occurrences of the “.class” directive within the smali files
Number of Methods (NOM) This metric estimates the amount of methods within the app package The metric is computed by counting the occurrences of the “.method” directive within the smali files
Instructions per Method (IPM) This metric is computed by the proportion between the total number of instructions (i.e., NBI) and the total number of methods (i.e., NOM) The metric is computed through the formula IPM = NBI/NOM

[1] Tian et. al. - What are the characteristics of high-rated apps? a case study on free android applications

2. Complexity Metrics

Rationale: this kind of metrics estimate the complexity of applications. Since program comprehension is closely related to program complexity, these indicators help us in understanding how expensive is the comprehension of a product when testing activities have to be done. A more complex program has more possible paths of execution, so it is difficult to test fully. More complex programs are also more difficult to understand and maintain [2].

Metrics Description Measuring Method
Cyclomatic Complexity (CC) This is a complexity metric introduced by Thomas McCabe. This metric measures the number of linearly independent paths contained in the control flow of the program We computed this metric by counting the occurrences of conditional instructions contained in the smali files and incremented the resulting number of a unit. For calculating the average cyclomatic complexity of app’s classes we used the formula CC = (#ifinstructions + 1)/ NOC
Weighted Methods per Class (WMC) This is a complexity metric introduced by Chidamber and Kemerer. The WMC metric is the sum of the complexities of all class methods For each app we computed the average of this metric, through the formula: WMC = (NOM/NOC) * #paths

[2] Taba - An Exploratory Study on the Relation between User Interface Complexity and the Perceived Quality.

3. Object-Oriented Metrics

Since the mobile apps are implemented with object-oriented programming languages (i.e., Java, C++, C#, etc.), it is possible to assess the quality of applications’ code by using the metrics suite by Chidamber and Kemerer: a set of metrics which measure the code’s complexity, cohesion and coupling [3]. The “CK” metrics suite is a widely accepted standard for measuring object-oriented software systems.

Metrics Description Measuring Method
Number of Children (NOCH) This metric indicates the number of immediate subclasses subordinated to a class in the class hierarchy. Greater is the number of children, greater is the reuse, but if a class has a large number of children, it may require more testing of the methods in that class In smali byte-code the parent of a class is identified by the .super directive. We used this to build a tree data structure in memory representing the class hierarchy. In order to reduce the data to a single value per app, we considered the maximum number of children for any class in the app
Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT) This metric indicates the depth (i.e., the length of the maximal path from the node representing the class to the root of the tree) of the class in the inheritance tree. Deeper trees constitute greater design complexity, since more methods and classes are involved We considered the depth of each inheritance tree, found using the .super directive as discussed in the previous metric. In order to reduce the data to a single value per application, we considered the deepest tree for any class in the application
Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM) This metric indicates the level of cohesion between methods and attributes of a class The level of cohesion is retrieved by calculating the number of access to each data field in a class, and find the average. Subtract from 100 to obtain a percent lack of cohesion. Lower percentages indicate greater cohesion of data and methods. In the smali byte-code, the class attributes are marked by the keyword .field and the access to a field is indicated by the “->” operator
Coupling Between Objects (CBO) This metric indicates the dependency degree of a class by another one The metric value is obtained by counting the external methods invocations, that in smali code are introduced by the keyword invoke-static
Percent Public Instance Variables (PPIV) This metric indicates the ratio of variables introduced by a public modifier We computed the average of this type of variables among all the classes of the app
Access to Public Data (APD) This metric counts the number of accesses to public or protected attributes of each class We computed the average of this value among all app’s classes

[3] Chidamber and Kemerer - A metrics suite for object oriented design

4. Android-oriented Metrics

Rationale: previous research [4] showed that (i) app interfaces design, (ii) performances, (iii) battery power consumption issues, are factors impacting users' quality of experience. Thus, the Android-Oriented Metrics are aimed at evaluating aspects in the applications' code directly affecting these elements. In particular, they focus on the (i) management of resources (i.e., battery, storage and network), as well as the (ii) handling of possible error conditions, which could cause application not responding (ANR) messages

Metrics Description Measuring Method
Bad Smell Method Calls (BSMC) Kechagia and Spinellis individuated 10 Android methods throwing exceptions that can cause app crashes. These methods have to be invoked in a try- catch block We computed the number of times these methods are invoked outside a try-catch construct.
WakeLocks with no timeout (WKL) A WakeLock allows to keep the device in an active state, avoiding the switch- off of the display. On a WakeLock object the following methods could be invoked: (i) the acquire() method to keep active the display, and (ii) the release() method to allow the display switch-off We the number of times in which only the acquire() method is invoked without invoking the release() method
Number of Lo- cation Listeners (LOCL) Through the class LocationListener an Android application can keep track of the user’s position. However this functionality reduces the battery power This metric computes the number of times a LocationListener object is instantiated
Number of GPS Uses (GPS) Location-aware applications can use GPS to acquire the user location. Although GPS is more accurate, it quickly consumes battery power We count byte-code instructions containing the gps string
XML Parsers (XML) In Android applications, event-based parsers have to be preferred because this kind of parsers can save the battery power We count byte-code instructions of the type invoke-static(.*?) Landroid/util/Xml; ->newPullParser()
Network Timeouts (NTO) Network timeouts are mechanisms which allow app developers to set time limits for establishing a TCP connection. Without setting a timeout can produce ANR messages We count all the smali byte-code instructions of the type: invoke- static(.*?) Lorg/apache/http/ params/HttpConnectionParams; ->setConnectionTimeout” and “invoke-static(.*?) Lorg/apache/http/ params/HttpConnectionParams; ->setSoTimeout
Networking (NET) In Android applications all the networking operations could introduce latency and consequently cause an Application Not Responding(ANR) message To evaluate this type of metric we count all the smali byte-code instructions of the type: Landroid/net/ http/AndroidHttpClient; - >execute and “Lorg/apache/ http/impl/client/DefaultHttpClient; ->execute
File I/O (I/O) I/O operations could cause ANR messages, since even simple disk operations could exhibit significant and unexpected latencies We count the occurrences among smali byte-code instructions of the invocation: new instance(.*?)Ljava/io/File
SQLite (SQL) The database accesses can generate substantial amount of expensive write operations to the flash storage, with obvious latency implications To evaluate this metric we count the occurrences among byte- code instructions of the invocation: Landroid/database/sqlite/ SQLiteDatabase;->(.*?)
Bitmaps (BMAP) Processing of large bitmaps could be computationally expensive and produce ANR messages For this metric assessment we count the occurrences of the method invocation BitmapFactory.decode

[4] Ickin - Factors influencing quality of experience of commonly used mobile applications