Upload a file, get a link to share, simple as that.
Optional downloads and request tracking. Add a proper GDPR notice and set the filegur.gdprNoticeProvided
property in application.conf
or the environment variable GDPR_NOTICE_PROVIDED
to true
to activate.
Don't give anyone an account you wouldn't trust with your latchkey as as of now there is no proper input sanitization!
A user admin
with password filegurdump
will be created automatically if no other user exists.
The same applies to the group admin
. Users, groups, download metadata, request log and download statistics are saved in an sqlite database called filegur.db
The actual download files are saved in the subfolder files
and named <currentTimeMillis>-<fileName>.<fileExtension>
Upload a file. Replies with the download link once the upload is complete.
Access to the download with the obfuscated name <downloadID>. Tracks time, URI (without query), IP, username (if authenticated) and user agent if tracking is activated.
Access to said download statistics. Only accessible to the owner of the download as well as members of groups that have the canViewAllDownloadStatistics
Overview of the current users uploaded files.
Settings regarding the current user. Only "change password" at the moment.
User management (overview & creation as of now). Accessible to members whose groups have the canCreateUsers
Group management (overview & creation as of now). Accessible to members whose groups have the canCreateGroups
Overview of all requests to this filegur instance.