Command line tool for getting information about CMake-installed packages, in the vein of pkg-config.
Build systems are a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, there are more than one. And while CMake is my build system of choice for personal research code, I often find myself working within other systems (autoconf, ROS, someone else's hard-coded Makefile, etc). Getting these to play nicely with other dependencies can be a pain. For packages installed through apt-get, pkg-config lets us query for build information straight from the command line. cmake-config attempts to do the same for CMake projects.
Example usage:
$ cmake-config OpenRAVE
-I/usr/include/openrave-0.8 -L/usr/lib -lopenrave0.8
$ cmake-config --libs-only-l OpenRAVE
$ cmake-config OpenRAVE --libs-only-L
$ cmake-config OpenRAVE --cflags-only-I
The version can be forced with a --version flag
$ cmake-config OpenRAVE --version 0.9
$ cmake-config OpenRAVE --version 0.8
-I/usr/include/openrave-0.8 -L/usr/lib -lopenrave0.8
If you have a local install, it can be used with the --module-path option
$ cmake-config PCL --module-path=path/to/pcl/share
If you are using a library with components (e.g. Boost), specific components can be specified with the --components option
$ cmake-config Boost --components thread filesystem
-I/usr/include -L/usr/lib -l/usr/lib/libboost\ -lpthread -l/usr/lib/libboost\
For a complete list of options, see
$ cmake-config --help
Check out the grossly hacked CMakeLists.txt file (which is also hard-coded into the python script for standalone functionality) to see how this is working. Want more features? Let me know or contribute them yourself!