#... an automation repo that sits in $HOME right next to . and ..
- manifest.yml is the main spec file
- manifest.py is the script that drives it
$> ./manifest.py --help
usage: manifest.py [-h] [-C CONFIG] [-D CWD] [-U USER] [-M PKGMGR]
[-l [LINK [LINK ...]]] [-p [PPA [PPA ...]]]
[-a [APT [APT ...]]] [-d [DNF [DNF ...]]]
[-n [NPM [NPM ...]]] [-P [PIP3 [PIP3 ...]]]
[-X [PIPX [PIPX ...]]] [-g [GITHUB [GITHUB ...]]]
[-s [SCRIPT [SCRIPT ...]]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-C CONFIG, --config CONFIG
default="/home/sidler/.../manifest.yml"; specify the
config path
-D CWD, --cwd CWD default="/home/sidler/..."; set the cwd
-U USER, --user USER default="sidler"; specify user if not current
-M PKGMGR, --pkgmgr PKGMGR
default="deb"; override pkgmgr
-l [LINK [LINK ...]], --link [LINK [LINK ...]]
specify list of glob patterns to match links
-p [PPA [PPA ...]], --ppa [PPA [PPA ...]]
specify list of glob patterns to match ppa items
-a [APT [APT ...]], --apt [APT [APT ...]]
specify list of glob patterns to match apt items
-d [DNF [DNF ...]], --dnf [DNF [DNF ...]]
specify list of glob patterns to match dnf items
-n [NPM [NPM ...]], --npm [NPM [NPM ...]]
specify list of glob patterns to match npm items
-P [PIP3 [PIP3 ...]], --pip3 [PIP3 [PIP3 ...]]
specify list of glob patterns to match pip3 items
-X [PIPX [PIPX ...]], --pipx [PIPX [PIPX ...]]
specify list of glob patterns to match pipx items
-g [GITHUB [GITHUB ...]], --github [GITHUB [GITHUB ...]]
specify list of glob patterns to match github repos
-s [SCRIPT [SCRIPT ...]], --script [SCRIPT [SCRIPT ...]]
specify list of glob patterns to match script names
The manifest.py script will only print out valid bash to perform the install. It is then up to the user to pipe to bash to get it to execute. In this way you can see what will be done before executing it.
$> ./manifest.py --link
# generated file by manifest.py
# src: https://github.com/scottidler/.../blob/master/manifest.py
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
set -x
linker() {
file=$(realpath "$1")
echo "$link -> $file"
if [ -f "$link" ] && [ "$file" != "$(readlink $link)" ]; then
$VERBOSE && echo "backing up $orig"
mv $link $orig
elif [ ! -f "$link" ] && [ -L "$link" ]; then
$VERBOSE && echo "removing broken link $link"
unlink $link
if [ -f "$link" ]; then
echo "[exists] $link"
echo "[create] $link -> $file"
mkdir -p $(dirname $link); ln -s $file $link
echo "links:"
while read -r file link; do
linker $file $link
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.gitconfig /home/sidler/.gitconfig
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.shell-exports /home/sidler/.shell-exports
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.expand-alias /home/sidler/.expand-alias
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.vimrc /home/sidler/.vimrc
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.bashrc /home/sidler/.bashrc
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.zshrc /home/sidler/.zshrc
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.git-prompt.sh /home/sidler/.git-prompt.sh
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.shell-aliases /home/sidler/.shell-aliases
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.ssh-ident /home/sidler/.ssh-ident
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.zsh-dircolors.config /home/sidler/.zsh-dircolors.config
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.shell-functions /home/sidler/.shell-functions
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.tmux.conf /home/sidler/.tmux.conf
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.bash_prompt /home/sidler/.bash_prompt
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.gnupg/gpg.conf /home/sidler/.gnupg/gpg.conf
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.ssh/config /home/sidler/.ssh/config
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.vim/syntax/ragel.vim /home/sidler/.vim/syntax/ragel.vim
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.config/autostart/touchpad.desktop /home/sidler/.config/autostart/touchpad.desktop
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.config/rmrf/rmrf.cfg /home/sidler/.config/rmrf/rmrf.cfg
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.config/pip/pip.conf /home/sidler/.config/pip/pip.conf
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.config/tmp/tmp.yml /home/sidler/.config/tmp/tmp.yml
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.config/layout/mint-3840x2160.yml /home/sidler/.config/layout/mint-3840x2160.yml
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.config/clone/clone.cfg /home/sidler/.config/clone/clone.cfg
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/.config/pianobar/config /home/sidler/.config/pianobar/config
/home/sidler/.../root/home/USER/bin/manifest /home/sidler/bin/manifest
Any option like --apt
below, can be given patterns to match against. In this case lib
matches against several packages.
$> ./manifest.py --apt lib
# generated file by manifest.py
# src: https://github.com/scottidler/.../blob/master/manifest.py
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
set -x
echo "apts:"
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install -y software-properties-common
sudo apt install -y libsmbclient-dev \
libffi-dev \
libicu-dev \
libssl-dev \
libffi-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
librsync-dev \
libglib2.0-dev \
libgirepository1.0-dev \
libcairo2-dev \
libjpeg-dev \
libgif-dev \
libxml2-dev \
libxmlsec1-dev \
libcups2-dev \
In this case oh-my-zhs
matches against robbyrussel/oh-my-zsh
$> ./manifest.py --github oh-my-zsh
# generated file by manifest.py
# src: https://github.com/scottidler/.../blob/master/manifest.py
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
set -x
linker() {
file=$(realpath "$1")
echo "$link -> $file"
if [ -f "$link" ] && [ "$file" != "$(readlink $link)" ]; then
$VERBOSE && echo "backing up $orig"
mv $link $orig
elif [ ! -f "$link" ] && [ -L "$link" ]; then
$VERBOSE && echo "removing broken link $link"
unlink $link
if [ -f "$link" ]; then
echo "[exists] $link"
echo "[create] $link -> $file"
mkdir -p $(dirname $link); ln -s $file $link
echo "github repos:"
echo "robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh:"
git clone --recursive https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh /home/sidler/.../repos/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh
(cd /home/sidler/.../repos/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh && pwd && git pull && git checkout HEAD)
echo "links:"
while read -r file link; do
linker $file $link
/home/sidler/.../repos/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/./ ~/.oh-my-zsh
The link section specifies mapping root in the git repo to / on the system. Recursive is self-explanatory.
Note: USER will be substituted for the value of $USER
└── home
└── USER
├── .bash_prompt
├── .bashrc
├── bin
│ └── manifest -> ../../../../manifest.py
├── .config
│ ├── autostart
│ │ └── touchpad.desktop
│ ├── clone
│ │ └── clone.cfg
│ ├── layout
│ │ └── mint-3840x2160.yml
│ ├── pianobar
│ │ └── config
│ ├── pip
│ │ └── pip.conf
│ ├── rmrf
│ │ └── rmrf.cfg
│ └── tmp
│ └── tmp.yml
├── .expand-alias
├── .gitconfig
├── .git-prompt.sh
├── .gnupg
│ └── gpg.conf
├── .shell-aliases
├── .shell-exports
├── .shell-functions
├── .ssh
│ └── config
├── .ssh-ident
├── .tmux.conf
├── .vim
│ └── syntax
│ └── ragel.vim
├── .vimrc
├── .zsh-dircolors.config
└── .zshrc
The items listed here are ppa to install on Debian systems.
The items listed here are the package names that are valid for DNF and APT.
The items listed here are the list of package names valid for APT.
The items listed here are the list of package names valid for DNF.
The items to be installed via pip3.
The items to be installed via pipx.
The items to be installed via npm.
These github repositories are cloned | checked out to .../repos/. The link section below is symlinks to create from path in repo to system.
These are items that require installation steps, often copied from the download page of the software.