A jQuery plugin to automatically convert characters as you type.
You can optionally pass an object mapping literal characters to replace to their replacement instructions. These instructions take the form of a function, called in the context of the textfield, that returns an object with two parameters:
: an expression evaluating to a string to replace the input character withswallow
: a boolean expression instructing the plugin to consume the preceding character during replacement
's': function() {
return {
replacement: this.value.charAt(this.selectionStart - 1) === 's' ? 'ß' : false,
swallow: true
will convert 'ss' to 'ß' on the fly.
Passed no arguments, smartChars will automatically convert
- two consecutive hyphens (--) to an em dash (—)
- a double quote (") to an opening double quote (“) when directly preceded by the field boundary or a space
- a double quote (") to a closing double quote (”) in all other cases
- a single quote (') to an opening single quote (‘) when directly preceded by the field boundary, a space or “ (for nested quotations)
- a single quote (') to a closing single quote (’) in all other cases
- an opening single quote (‘) to a closing single quote (’) when immediately followed by a single quote ('), to accommodate cases like Class of ’09
1. jQuery 1.7+
2. Underscore 1.2+