The bibDelete package allows to easily delete a specified BibTeX field type from all bib entries in a BibTeX file.
This can be useful, for example, in scientific research, where a reference management software like Papers might add annote
fields containing personal notes on read research literature, or notes about ideas for future research to exported BibTeX libraries. Such .bib files can be cleaned before being shared with coworkers using the deleteField()
function that automatically removes all occurrences of a given nonessential field type.
This package will be JIT byte code compiled upon installation.
There are several ways of installing the package, e.g.:
install the "devtools" package first, then use
install the "devtools" package first, clone the repository, then use
This package passes devtools::check()
with zero problems, notes or warnings on my machine running R 3.4.3 on macOS 10.13.3.
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2018 Christoph Schmidt