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Column definition questions #12



Another documentation question.

What are all the column names in the returned catalog?

return OrderedDict([('dx', posunc[0]), ('dy', posunc[1]),
('dflux', fluxunc),
('qf', qf), ('rchi2', rchi2), ('fracflux', fracflux),
('fluxlbs', fluxlbs), ('dfluxlbs', dfluxlbs),
('fwhm', fwhm), ('spread_model', spread),
('dspread_model', dspread),
('fluxiso', fluxiso), ('xiso', xiso), ('yiso', yiso)])

Some are pretty obvious:

  • dx, dy: Positional uncertainties
  • dflux: Flux uncertainty
  • rchi2: reduced chi^2, where the 'degrees of freedom' is set by qf
  • fwhm: 2nd-moment-based FWHM estimate

What are:

  • the qf quality factor? It seems to be the integral over the PSF for each star including only "good" pixels. Is there any rule-of-thumb for what is a 'good enough' number?
  • fracflux: I don't know what impsf is; is it the image convolved with the PSF? Still not sure what this statistic tells me.
  • fluxlbs, dfluxlbs: What does "LBS" stand for?
  • fluxiso, xiso, yiso: I can't quite tell what the compute_iso_fit function is doing in a quick read; it looks like it's performing a least-squares fit between the PSF and the data allowing only for amplitude and shift variation? But I might be misreading it
  • spread_model, dspread_model: this is kinda documented, but I'm not familiar with it. Sounds like it's useful for galaxy measurements?

I'm sure some of this is documented in the literature in your or others' papers, but even if so, it would be helpful to have a statement of what is intended by the code so I don't mis/overinterpret what it's doing.



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