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Scheme index

Scheme index catalogs definitions of procedures, macros, values from scheme specifications and SRFI libraries, using sexpr textual format. Main points of interests is the types folder. This repository also provides complementary static site GUI. It’s accessible at .

Identifiers definitions

Identifiers definitions are grouped into files (one file for each library) under types/*.scm, and a single root index file which defines names and paths to those files types/index.scm.

Index file is a list of pairs - where car is a symbolic library name, and cdr is associated information regarding definitions to load from. cdr may be an alist, with following fields:

  • 'file - path from where to load definitions.

  • 'exclude - a list of definitions to ignore from the file.

Alternatively, cdr might be a string, in which case it’s treated as a file path.

    ((scheme base) . "types/scheme.base.scm")
    ((scheme r5rs) . ((file . "types/r5rs.scm")
                      (exclude . (transcript-on transcript-off))))

Each library definition file is a list of entries, where each entry is an association list, using symbols as keys. Each entry either describes a group of identifiers, or a single identifier.

Group has following properties:




A list of identifiers under the group. Each entry must have format as described under a table for single idenfier entry.


A textual description applicable for entire group

Single identifier has following properties:




The name of the function / syntax / value. The name doesn’t have to be unique - in particular with procedures, definition is repeated for all possible invocation overloads with different parameter counts. Required.


S-expr defining signature. The format depends on a type (function / syntax / value) being described.


In case of function, the format is either (lambda (<parameter> …​) <return type>) or (case-lambda ((<parameter> …​) <return type>) …​).

Each parameter is either of the form (<type> param-name) or just param-name, when type is "any". Each parameter may be succeeded by a …​ literal to indicate varargs / repetition.

Parameter type is either:

  • a predicate name (eg. list?);

  • a type union in the form of (or <type> …​) (eg. (or list? number?)). When using or, #f might be used as a type inside of it due to its common appearance as a "null" value.

Return type can be same as parameter type described above, plus:

  • undefined, indicating a value that shouldn’t be used in portable code (eg. result of for-each);

  • *, indicating a useful value but of unknown type.

  • (values <type> …​) form when the function returns more than one value.


In case of syntax, the format is (syntax-rules (<keyword> …​) (<pattern> <optional-return-type>) …​)

Pattern should be: symbol, ., …​, or grouping of patterns inside (). If optional return type is provided, it describes the resultant type when syntax is used as an expression. As a hatch to rendering outside of parens, use (_append ) form, which concatenates its arguments.


In case of simple value, the format is (value <type>)

where type is same as described under functions.


A list of symbols. Tags don’t have inherent special treatment (ie., definition can make use of any tag it wants). Currently used tags are described in [Tags]


Additional elaboration of signatures for the parameters / returns / syntax fragments / datastructure content. Each entry in this list is a list, where first element is a name (corresponding to parameter / syntax fragment / etc), and second parameter is its signature. The signature can be either one of as described in signature section, as well as additionally:

  • (pattern <pattern> …​) - describes subsyntax pattern, expanding template variables used in main signature of the syntax;

  • (alist <car> <cdr>) - describes an alist datastrucutre, where <car> and <cdr> has same format as function parameter definition;

  • (list <element>) - describes a list datastrucutre, where <element> has same format as function parameter definition;

  • (vector <element>) - describes a vector datastrucutre, where <element> has same format as function parameter definition.


Textual description.

Filterset definitions

Filterset is a coarse filter, and defines which libraries to include (and optionally how to rename them). Filterset definitions are structured into files one for each filterset option under filters/*.scm, and a single root index file which defines names and paths to those files filters/index.scm.

Index should be a list of alists. Each alist contains three fields:

  • code - used in links;

  • name - displayed text;

  • file - associated filterset definition file.

Filterset definition file should be a list of pairs. car is a symbolic library name (matching what is defined in index for identifiers definitions). cdr is either a symbolic library name (in which case, all the usages of library in car are renamed to what is in cdr), or a #t value (indicating to include library in car as is, without a rename).

Compiling / running static site GUI


Open build directory and execute bash Requires:

  1. Chicken scheme compiler, with json, matchable and srfi 1 eggs installed;

  2. Nodejs / npm installation.

After building, you’ll find in build directory, which you can unzip and deploy from any web server. If you plan serving not from root, edit index.html file and change <base href="."> to point to appropriate prefix.

Docker compose

Open build directory and execute docker compose up. The site will be available at localhost:8080.