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Strict equality is too strict in Scala 3.5 #819



In Scala 3.5, assertEquals doesn't enable to compareSet of different types:

//> using dep org.scalameta::munit::1.0.1

class FooTest extends munit.FunSuite {
  test("foo") {
    assertEquals(Set(2: Any), Set(2))
Compiling project (test, Scala 3.5.0, JVM (17))
[error] ./foo.test.scala:5:5
[error] Can't compare these two types:
[error]   First type:  Set[Any]
[error]   Second type: Set[Int]
[error] Possible ways to fix this error:
[error]   Alternative 1: provide an implicit instance for Compare[Set[Any], Set[Int]]
[error]   Alternative 2: upcast either type into `Any` or a shared supertype.
[error] I found:
[error]     munit.Compare.compareSubtypeWithSupertype[Set[Any], Set[Int]](
[error]       /* missing */summon[Set[Any] <:< Set[Int]])
[error] But no implicit values were found that match type Set[Any] <:< Set[Int].
[error]     assertEquals(Set(2: Any), Set(2))
[error]     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[[syntax trees at end of                     typer]] // /Users/mbovel/munit-bug/foo.test.scala
package <empty> {
  class FooTest() extends munit.FunSuite() {
          val obtained$1: Set[Any] = Set.apply[Any]([2:Any : Any]*)
          val expected$1: Set[Int] = Set.apply[Int]([2 : Int]*)
          def clue$1: String = this.assertEquals$default$3[Set[Any], Set[Int]]
          this.assertEquals[Set[Any], Set[Int]](obtained$1, expected$1, clue$1)(
            loc = munit.Location.generate,
            munit.Compare.compareSubtypeWithSupertype[Set[Any], Set[Int]](
              /* missing */summon[Set[Any] <:< Set[Int]])

Error compiling project (test, Scala 3.5.0, JVM (17))
Compilation failed

This is because in 3.5, the B type parameter of assertEquals is inferred to be Set[Int] instead of Set[Any] as in 3.3

assertEquals's signature:

def assertEquals[A, B](
obtained: A,
expected: B,
clue: => Any = "values are not the same"
)(implicit loc: Location, compare: Compare[A, B]): Unit = {

Instances of Compare are defined as:

trait ComparePriority1 extends ComparePriority2 {
implicit def compareSubtypeWithSupertype[A, B](implicit
ev: A <:< B
): Compare[A, B] = Compare.defaultCompare

trait ComparePriority2 {
implicit def compareSupertypeWithSubtype[A, B](implicit
ev: A <:< B
): Compare[B, A] = Compare.defaultCompare



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