This project is a full-stack task management system designed to streamline project and task organization. Users can authenticate through an admin-managed process, create projects and tasks, generate reports, and benefit from various features including search functionality, filtering, and export capabilities.
- Only admin can create users.
- Upon creation, users receive a password and email confirmation.
- Authentication is necessary for accessing the system, and only confirmed users can proceed.
- CRUD operations for projects.
- Search functionality for projects by name and language.
- CRUD operations for tasks.
- Search functionality and filtering by status.
- Excel export feature.
- Employee assignment with notifications using
- CREATE multi reports operation.
- Search functionality for reports by name.
- Excel export feature.
- Filtering with date picker.
- User notification system.
- Permission management.
- Page loading and network error handling.
- Express.js
- TypeScript
- MongoDB
- Nodemailer for email functionality
- for real-time notifications
- Cloudinary for storing user profiles
- ReactJS
- Ant Design UI for design components
- SCSS for customization
- Context API for state management
- React Lazy Load Image Component for lazy loading profile images
- Lottie React for email confirmation animations
- Other relevant packages for additional functionality
- Clone this repository.
- Install dependencies for both backend and frontend.
- Set up your MongoDB database.
- Configure email settings with Nodemailer.
- Run the backend server.
- Run the frontend application.
- Access the application in your browser.
PORT = your_custom_port
MONGO_URL = mongodb+srv://
CLOUD_NAME = your_cloud_name
CLOUD_API_KEY = your_cloud_api_key
CLOUD_API_SECRET = your_cloud_api_secret
MAIL_PASS = your_password
ABSTRACT_PRIVATE_KEY = your_abstract_private_key
JWT_SECRET_KEY = your_jwt_secret_key
CLIENT_DOMAIN = http://localhost:5173
VITE_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:5173/"
VITE_API_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:port/api/v1/"
VITE_AUTH_API_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:port/api/v1/auth/"
NODE_ENV = 'development'
Navigate to the backend directory.
cd backend
Install dependencies.
npm install
Start the backend server.
npm run serve
yarn serve
Navigate to the frontend directory.
cd frontend
Install dependencies.
npm install
Start the frontend development server.
npm run dev
yarn dev
Access the application in your browser by navigating to the specified URL provided by the frontend development server.
With these steps, you should be able to start both the backend and frontend servers and access the application locally for development purposes.