Designed a distributed system with multiple clients and server, and a metadata server. Metadata server maintains metadata about files in the file system and is also responsible to keep track of all alive servers. A file is made up of multiple chunks of fixed size and each chunk has 3 replicas in 3 different servers. Clients can perform following operations:
- Read from a chunk to be performed from any alive replicas.
- Append data to all live replicas of the chunks using two-phase commit protocol.
- Create new file in any 3 servers selected by metadata server at random.
Before running the code, please update the below mentioned details in configuration file:
- serverport (port for running the server)
- clientport (port for running the client)
- noofrequests ( # of operation to perform by a single)
- server address and it’s directory
- clients address
Required Argument: <configuration_file_path> <metadata_server/server/client> <server (1-3) or client (1-5) ID>
Metadata Server: java -jar aos_project.jar metadata_server 1
Server: java -jar aos_project.jar server 1
Client: java -jar aos_project.jar client 1