International Institute of Information Technology
- Pune
machine learning and deep learning tutorials, articles and other resources
Docker Mastery Udemy course to build, compose, deploy, and manage containers from local development to high-availability in the cloud
In this project, I used Python and TensorFlow to classify traffic signs. Dataset used: German Traffic Sign Dataset. This dataset has more than 50,000 images of 43 classes. I was able to reach a +99…
A repository for the paper "Real-Time Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Efficient CNNs in the Wild"
GitHub resources and information for the developer community in India
Programming Assignments of Savitribai Phule Pune University(SPPU) Second Year(SE) Computer Engineering 2018-19.
A simple game of snakes and ladders created on Python 3.7.6
C++ Data Structures and Algorithms | College Placement Course taught by renowned faculties of Apni Kaksha (Aman Dhattarwal).