This repo is mostly a sandbox for measuring and testing "v4-as-a-keeper"
The idea is using arbitrage between the dominant pool and the obscure pool to pay for execution (keeper jobs)
Refetch v3 data
requires cryo
Fetch 14 days of liquidity provision + swaps from the Uni v3 ETH/USDC 5bps Pool
cryo logs \
-o cryo_data/ \
--blocks 17686540:17787340 \
--contract 0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640 \
--rpc <RPC_URL>
Avoid using Free RPCs (LlamaNodes, Ankr). With rate limits, 14 days of logs will take 7 hours. Infura allows for 100k requests per day, which took 203 seconds
requires foundry
forge install
forge test
Additional resources:
v4-periphery contains advanced hook implementations that serve as a great reference