Hi, Seurat team
I'm trying to analyze a Perturb-seq dataset following the mixscape vignette.
I encountered two issues:
, R console show several messages "WARNING! NOT CONVERGENT! ". I know this warning message shows up whennormalmixEM()
failed at finding optimal parameters. But what I'm curious is that when I do the plots, a large amount of cells were predicted as NP (see plots below).
My first question: is this normal? -
To check that mixscape is assigning the correct perturbation status to cells, I used
function as suggested by the mixscape vignette to visualize the results fromRunMixscape()
It seems this visualization does not work for genes with 0 KO. i.e. for Adnp,
PlotPerturbScore(cells, target.gene.ident = "Adnp", mixscape.class = "mixscape_class", col = "coral2") + labs(fill = "mixscape class")
Error in, prtb_score_list) : second argument must be a list
Additionally, when I visualize one of the genes that do have KOs, i.e. Cul3
PlotPerturbScore(mg, target.gene.ident = "Cul3", mixscape.class = "mixscape_class", col = "coral2") + labs(fill = "mixscape class")
It seems that a small percentage of cells on the right tail of the population were also assigned as NP. Why this behavior? Is there a way to adjust the parameters so that I could get better results?
epapalexi commentedon Oct 4, 2021
Hi Ray,
Regarding your first question: I happen to be familiar with this particular dataset you are trying to analyze. May I ask if you are taking into consideration that there are different cell types in the dataset before running mixscape? If not I would suggest running mixscape and specifying = "cell.type"
where cell.type is a metadata column with your cell type classifications. This helps a lot in cases where a perturbation has a cell-type specific effect that can be missed if you run mixscape pooling all cell types together. In the past, when I analyzed this dataset
I was able to get a much higher % of perturbed cells.Regarding the error on
: we do not calculate a perturbation score if mixscape finds that there are no differentially expressed genes between a target gene class and NTs. This is because the score is calculated based on the differentially expressed genes. That's why it throws an error. I will modify the code a bit so that in the feature instead of an error users get a message explaining this to them to avoid confusion.Finally, about the Cul3 NP cells that fall into the KO cell distribution, I am not sure why this happens. If you can share your code with me I can take a look and figure out what it going on.
I hope this helps.
RuiyuRayWang commentedon Oct 6, 2021
Hi Efi, Thanks for your response!
Yes, I'm aware that there are different cell types in the dataset, but since I'm only interested in one particular cell type (microglia), I extracted Microglia into a single object and ran mixscape on these subsetted cells. This gave me the low perturbed cell counts above.
I tried the approach you mentioned, which is
on the entire object"CellType"
. This indeed gave me slightly increased percentage (from 5.3% to 10.8%) of "KO" cells, compared to running it on stand-alone Microglia object.Regarding
, here's the code I used, which is basically codes from the mixscape vignette. The only difference is that inRunMixscape()
calls, I
slightly since I saw "WARNING! NOT CONVERGENT!" messages from mixtools with default params.Best,
kaanokay commentedon Jun 13, 2022
Hi @epapalexi,
I have an issue with PlotPerturbScore function. I got this error: "Error in "[.data.frame`(prtb_score, , target.gene.class) : undefined columns selected" when I run PlotPerturbScore function with my CRISPR seurat object. Almost everything in my Seurat object is the same with yours (i.e., eccite Seurat object in Mixscape pipeline). Only difference is that my Seurat object have mouse gene names. I'm attaching my Seurat data with rds format (
Could you help me with this?
epapalexi commentedon Jun 15, 2022
Hi Kaan,
Thanks for sending your seurat object. Just looking at your object it looks like you only calculated the perturbation signature of your cells. If you want to obtain perturbation scores you will have to run the
command and then try using thePlotPerturbScore
function to visualize the scores.In case you already ran
function and you are still getting the error above, can you please provide an updated object alongside the script you used to generated it?Efi
kaanokay commentedon Jun 15, 2022
Hi Efi,
I ran
function to obtain perturbation scores:Mixscape_seurat <- RunMixscape( object = Mixscape_seurat, assay = "PRTB", slot = "", labels = "gene", = "NT", = 5, iter.num = 10, de.assay = "RNA", verbose = F, prtb.type = "KO", = "replicate")
I used argument because I have two replicates. If I do not use parameter for my replicates, I'm getting a warning :"WARNING! NOT CONVERGENT!".
and then I ran
function but I got an error: "Error: Must request at least one colour from a hue palette". This error is different than previous one but I did not understand why I got this error.Code was like:
PlotPerturbScore(object = Mixscape_seurat, target.gene.ident = "Gata3", mixscape.class = "mixscape_class", col = "coral2") + labs(fill = "mixscape class")
I updated my Seurat object in the same link. I used this updated Seurat object in
function.Thank you for quick reply and developing such good tool for Perturb-seq.
epapalexi commentedon Jun 23, 2022
Hi Kaan,
I was able to figure out what was giving you the above error. I have merged a fix in the develop branch of Seurat. Here are instructions on how to use the new version to be able to plot the perturbation score:
remotes::install_github(repo = 'satijalab/seurat', ref = 'develop')
Once you do this, you should be able to use
kaanokay commentedon Jun 24, 2022
Hi Efi,
Thank you so much for your help! I'll try it.
littleju777 commentedon Nov 1, 2022
Hi @epapalexi ,
I got the same error in plotperturbsocre, Error in, prtb_score_list) : second argument must be a list.
I try your solution, but it doesn't work. Could you help me with that?