Mistake on importers documentation #2467
According the readme file, the importers callback accept a single object:
done (Function)
- a callback function to invoke on async completion, takes an object literal containing:file (String)
- an alternate path for LibSass to use ORcontents (String)
- the imported contents (for example, read from memory or the file system)
... but checking your code, you're also accepting arrays of objects as well:
if (returned_value->IsArray()) {
v8::Local<v8::Array> array = returned_value.As<v8::Array>();
imports = sass_make_import_list(array->Length());
In my opinion, makes a lot of sense, at least in my use case where a custom importer, resolves on some cases, the requested file and something else.
@import "vars";
needs to be resolved as:
@import "themed/vars";
@import "vars";
After spending some hours trying to figure out how to resolve it, I checked your source code, and then was pretty clear. The callback of an importer can also take an array of objects. In my case: [{file: "themed/vars"}, {file: "vars"}]
So after this explanation, my suggestion is simple: if that's a feature, fix the documentation accordingly.
Thanks & 💕