A passionate Computational and Applied Mathematician with a strong interest in data science and machine learning.
- Python: PyTorch, scikit-learn, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn
- Other Languages/Frameworks: Java, JavaScript, SQL, SAS, R, C/C++
- Data Formats: JSON, XML, HTML, CSV, XLSX, PDF
- Blockchain Protocols
- Cryptographic Principles: Hashing, Public-Key Cryptography, Digital Signatures
- Solidity
- Shell Scripting: Bash, PowerShell
- Package Managers: apt, pip, brew
- Tools: grep, sed, adb, git
- Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, macOS
- File Management
- Jira, Confluence, Figma, Bitbucket, GitHub, Lucid Software
- SANS Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit & Training 2024 (12 credits)
- Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert
- Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain
- College of Science Data Science Stackable Credentials Scholarship
- Neville C. & Annie P. Hunsaker Mathematics Scholarship
- Segal AmeriCorps Education Award
- Deans Merit Scholarship
- Hilbert Prize in Mathematics
- Visual Studio Code
- IntelliJ IDEA
- PyCharm
- Disruptive Technology (CAI 5010)
- Ethics and Emerging Technology (CAI 5400)
- Introduction to Computer Science I (CS 1400)
- Introduction to Computer Science II (CS 1410)
- Data Structures & Algorithms (CS 2420)
- Introduction to Event Driven Programming & GUI's
- Introduction to Machine Learning (CS 4320)
- Introduction to Data Science (CS 5665)
- Cyber Strategy in the Modern World (IS 5820)
- Calculus I, II, and III (MATH 1210, MATH 1220, MATH 2210)
- Discrete Mathematics (MATH 3310)
- Linear Algebra (MATH 2270)
- Physics I and II (PHYS 2110, PHYS 2120)
- Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH 2280)
- Partial Differential Equations (MATH 5420)
- Complex Variables (MATH 5270)
- Introduction to Analysis I (MATH 5210)
- Introduction to Analysis II (MATH 5220)
- Fundamentals of Computational Mathematics (MATH 4610)
- Introduction to Probability (MATH 5710)
- Methods of Applied Mathematics (MATH 5410)
- Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (MATH 5720)
- Numerical Alogorithms for Differential Equations (MATH 5620)
- Statistics for Scientists (STAT 3000)
- Modern Regression Methods (STAT 5100)
- Introduction to R (STAT 5050)
- Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions (STAT 5120)
- Advanced R Programming for Data Science (STAT 5555)
- Statistical Learning and Data Mining I (STAT 5650)
- SQL Fundamentals (STAT 5810)
- Data Technologies (STAT 5080)
- Data Science in Autonomous Vehicles & Robotics (STAT 5810)