release r0.5.53
release r0.5.53
- fixed issue #302
- Problem: no documentation for multiprocessing runs
- Solution: added documentation for multiprocessing runs in ./docs/runningeplus.ipynb
- Partial fix for #287 (deprecate python2)
- removed six in most places
- removed python2 in .travis.yml
- removed python2 in appveyor.yml
fixed issue #291
- used cookiecutter template for eppy
- from
eases development, because the following commands are available from
::clean remove all build, test, coverage and Python artifacts
clean-build remove build artifacts
clean-pyc remove Python file artifacts
clean-test remove test and coverage artifacts
lint check style with flake8
test run tests quickly with the default Python
test-all run tests on every Python version with tox
coverage check code coverage quickly with the default Python
docs generate Sphinx HTML documentation, including API docs
servedocs compile the docs watching for changes
release package and upload a release
dist builds source and wheel package
install install the package to the active Python's site-packages
- fixed issue #289
- Problem: E+ is unable to read numbers that are wider than 19 digits
- Solution: format these numbers in scientific notation
- fixed issue #281
- Problem: pytest failing in python 2
- Solution: Set the correct version numbers in the requirements.txt file
- fixed issue # 283
- surface.azimuth calculates the azimuth from the surface coordinates
- surface.true_azimuth also include the effecto building azimuth ans zone azimuth