dero-stratum-miner adds support for mining to a stratum pool using the official derod mining algorithm.
The latest release can always be found here.
Open a terminal
Make a new directory for the miner
mkdir dero-stratum-miner && cd dero-stratum-miner
Download the latest release
curl -sLJO ""
Unpack the archive
tar xavf dero-stratum-miner-v1.0.5-linux-amd64.tar.gz
Make the file executable
chmod u+x dero-stratum-miner
The miner can be started by using the command ./dero-stratum-miner
# -> download the latest release file first.
# debian / ubuntu
dpkg -i dero-stratum-miner-v1.0.5-linux-amd64.deb
# rhel / fedora / suse
rpm -i dero-stratum-miner-v1.0.5-linux-amd64.rpm
# alpine
apk add --allow-untrusted dero-stratum-miner-v1.0.5-linux-amd64.apk
$ yay -S dero-stratum-miner-bin
- Download the latest release for windows
- Unzip the archive
- Open a terminal in the newly created folder with
right click -> "Open in Windows Terminal"
The miner can be started by using the command .\dero-stratum-miner.exe
- Download the latest release for windows
- Unzip the archive
- Open a terminal in the newly created folder with
right click -> "Open Terminal"
The miner can be started by using the command ./dero-stratum-miner
Open termux
Update all packages
pkg update
Make a new directory for the miner
mkdir dero-stratum-miner && cd dero-stratum-miner
Download the latest release
curl -sLJO ""
Unpack the archive
tar xavf dero-stratum-miner-v1.0.5-linux-arm64.tar.gz
Make the file executable
chmod u+x dero-stratum-miner
The miner can be started by using the command ./dero-stratum-miner
is natively integrated in mmpOS. Simply select "DERO stratum miner" when your miner profile and that's it!
To use dero-stratum-miner
on hiveOS, you have to create a custom miner.
Option | Value |
Miner name | dero-stratum-miner |
Installation URL | |
Hash algorithm | astrobwt |
Wallet and worker template | %WAL%.%WORKER_NAME% |
Pool URL | |
Extra config arguments (optional) | -m $THREAD_NUMBERS (limit the amount of threads used for mining) |
To simply start the miner and get going, you can use the following command:
$ ./dero-stratum-miner -w $YOUR_WALLET
By default the dero-stratum-miner has TLS disabled. Enabling TLS can improve your privacy but it will also generate a minimal network and CPU overhead.
To do that, you can add the stratum+tls://
prefix to the pool URL.
$ ./dero-stratum-miner -w $YOUR_WALLET -r stratum+tls://
To fetch stats from the miner, an internal API can be enabled by using the --api-enabled
$ ./dero-stratum-miner -w $YOUR_WALLET --api-enabled
$ ./dero-stratum-miner --help
Dero Stratum Miner
dero-stratum-miner [flags]
dero-stratum-miner [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
version Print the version info
--api-enabled enable the API server
--api-listen string address to listen for API requests (default ":8080")
--api-transport string transport to use for API requests (default "tcp")
--console-log-level int8 console log level
-r, --daemon-rpc-address string stratum pool url (default "")
--debug enable debug mode
--dns-server string DNS server to use (only effective on linux arm) (default "")
-h, --help help for dero-stratum-miner
--ignore-tls-validation ignore TLS validation
-m, --mining-threads int number of threads to use (default 32)
--non-interactive non-interactive mode
-t, --testnet use testnet
-v, --version version for dero-stratum-miner
-w, --wallet-address string wallet of the miner. Rewards will be sent to this address
Use "dero-stratum-miner [command] --help" for more information about a command.
If you want to report a bug, please open an issue on github.
For general support please join our telegram group or discord server.