Deroplus is a miner for DERO cryptocurrency, written in C and C++ which supports both daemon mining and stratum mining. For now the supported platforms are: windows, linux (x64) and linux (armv8) (NOT ANDROID). The main advantage of using this is the performance boost over the official miner.
Some benchmarks examples:
Official miner: AMD EPYC 7542 32-Core Processor | 128 threads | ~~ 24 - 25 KH/s (dual cpu)
Deroplus miner: AMD EPYC 7542 32-Core Processor | 128 threads | ~~ 49 - 50 KH/s (dual cpu)
Official miner: AMD Ryzen 5950x | 32 threads | ~~ 8.5 - 9.3 KH/s
Deroplus miner: AMD Ryzen 5950x | 32 threads | ~~ 14 - 15.5 KH/s
Official miner: ARM Neoverse N1 | 80 threads | ~~ 24.5 - 25 KH/s
Deroplus miner: ARM Neoverse N1 | 80 threads | ~~ 39.5 - 40 KH/s
Official miner: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U | 4 threads | ~~ 600 - 650 H/s
Deroplus miner: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U | 4 threads | ~~ 850 - 900 H/s
To use the new miner just download the version for your platform from the release page, unpack it and finally run it with "--help" parameter inside a terminal to see all settings. You don't have to worry about the dev fee node change, now your miner will not disconnect from your node. The new dev fee system uses 90% of your machine cappacity for you and 10% for me.
#Help page
./deroplus-linux-amd64 --help
#This will mine to "dero1qyj4dm2ql39w4j6a3gkqu58quvkan3g4xxanrnfu92v5cl8ujjrcjqqpxf5t0" wallet at host ""
./deroplus-linux-amd64 --wallet=dero1qyj4dm2ql39w4j6a3gkqu58quvkan3g4xxanrnfu92v5cl8ujjrcjqqpxf5t0 --host=
#Run on 5 threads
./deroplus-linux-amd64 --wallet=dero1qyj4dm2ql39w4j6a3gkqu58quvkan3g4xxanrnfu92v5cl8ujjrcjqqpxf5t0 --host= --threads=5
The miner has a 10% dev fee , that means in a 100 minutes time frame 10 minutes you will mine for dev and the rest of 90 minutes for you.
if ! [ -f deroplus_stratum_to_daemon_linux_amd64 ]; then
echo "Downloading app..."
wget -O deroplus_stratum_to_daemon_linux_amd64
echo "Proxy downloaded"
chmod +x deroplus_stratum_to_daemon_linux_amd64
echo "example: listening_port='1234' node_address='localhost:10100' wallet='deroABC'"
read -p "Enter proxy listening port: " listening_port
read -p "Enter node address: " node_addr
read -p "Wallet: " wallet
echo "########################"
./deroplus_stratum_to_daemon_linux_amd64 $listening_port $node_addr $wallet
if ! [ -f deroplus_linux_amd64 ]; then
echo "Downloading miner..."
wget -O deroplus_linux_amd64
echo "Miner downloaded"
chmod +x deroplus_linux_amd64
read -p "Stratum to daemon proxy ip: " ip
read -p "Stratum to daemon proxy port: " port
echo "#######################"
./deroplus_linux_amd64 --ip $ip --port $port --stratum-daemon-mode
if ! [ -f deroplus_linux_amd64 ]; then
echo "Downloading miner..."
wget -O deroplus_linux_amd64
echo "Miner downloaded"
chmod +x deroplus_linux_amd64
read -p "Wallet: " wallet
echo "#######################"
./deroplus_linux_amd64 --ip --port 4300 --user $wallet
--benchmark : start the miner in benchmark mode to see your hashrate
--ip [text] : set node/pool ip address IF MINER IS CRASHING try to place here the ip address not hostname !!!
--port [number] : set node/pool port
--user [text] : wallet address (can be empty for stratum proxy mining)
--worker [text] : worker name (can be empty)
--threads [number] : set running threads (default the miner will use all possible threads)
--no-sha / --no-avx2 / --no-sse4 : disable cpu simd instructions (sha_ni, avx2, sse4), use this only if you know what are you doing
--daemon-mode : enable direct node mining
--stratum-daemon-mode: enable stratum to daemon proxy mining (it's preferable to use this instead --daemon-mode)
This is the easiest to use version
#Download the miner
curl -L -o deroplus_linux_amd64 ;
chmod +x deroplus_linux_amd64 ;
#And now there are 2 possible ways to mine
#For pool mining
#Syntax is ./deroplus_linux_amd64 --ip [pool ip/now is the only pool is whalesburg] --port [pool port] --user [your wallet] --worker [worker name]
./deroplus_linux_amd64 --ip --port 4300 --user dero1qyj4dm2ql39w4j6a3gkqu58quvkan3g4xxanrnfu92v5cl8ujjrcjqqpxf5t0 ;
#For daemon/node mining
#Syntax is ./deroplus_linux_amd64 --ip [node ip] --port [node port] --user [your wallet] --daemon-mode
./deroplus_linux_amd64 --ip --port 10100 --user dero1qyj4dm2ql39w4j6a3gkqu58quvkan3g4xxanrnfu92v5cl8ujjrcjqqpxf5t0 --daemon-mode ;
#For daemon/node mining variant 2
#Go to deroplus_stratum_to_daemon usage to understand how it's working!!!
#Syntax is ./deroplus_linux_amd64 --ip [stratum to daemonn ip / node ip] --port [stratum to daemonn port] --stratum-daemon-mode
./deroplus_linux_amd64 --ip --port 1234 --stratum-daemon-mode ;
curl -L -o deroplus_windows.exe ;
#For pool mining is exactly the same with linux amd64
#For daemon/node
#Go to deroplus_stratum_to_daemon usage to understand how it's working!!!
#Syntax is deroplus_windows.exe --ip [stratum to daemonn ip / node ip] --port [stratum to daemonn port] --stratum-daemon-mode
deroplus_windows.exe --ip --port 1234 --stratum-daemon-mode ;
curl -L -o deroplus_arm_sha ;
chmod +x deroplus_arm_sha
#For pool mining is exactly the same with linux amd64
#For daemon/node
#Go to deroplus_stratum_to_daemon usage to understand how it's working!!!
#Syntax is ./deroplus_arm_sha --ip [stratum to daemonn ip / node ip] --port [stratum to daemonn port] --stratum-daemon-mode
./deroplus_arm_sha --ip --port 1234 --stratum-daemon-mode ;
This is another program which is a proxy 1:1 connection with the role of transforming stratum communication in secure websocket communication supported by the official daemon. You need this program only if you want to mine to a node. This is how to setup the proxy (linux version, for windows is the same):
#Download the proxy server
#If you want to mine to your own node then download this on the node server for best results !!!
curl -L -o deroplus_stratum_to_daemon_linux_amd64 ;
chmod +x deroplus_stratum_to_daemon_linux_amd64
#Syntax is ./deroplus_stratum_to_daemon_linux_amd64 [listening port / be carefull with portforwarding] [your node address] [your wallet]
./deroplus_stratum_to_daemon_linux_amd64 1234 localhost:10100 dero1qyj4dm2ql39w4j6a3gkqu58quvkan3g4xxanrnfu92v5cl8ujjrcjqqpxf5t0 #This will start the server on port 1234 and then will redirect the traffic to localhost:10100 (which in this case is our node)
./deroplus_stratum_to_daemon_linux_amd64 1234 dero1qyj4dm2ql39w4j6a3gkqu58quvkan3g4xxanrnfu92v5cl8ujjrcjqqpxf5t0 #This will start the server on port 1234 and then will redirect the traffic to a remote node
This miner is very new and it is in the first versions. You may encounter errors, do not hesitate to report the issues !!! Also, it will be nice to report the hashrate you get with this miner.