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4. Test Cases

Sanjoy Kumer Deb edited this page Oct 12, 2017 · 1 revision

I have Uploaded Some Request/Response to Request/Response Sample Location.This cases only for finding all possible path.

Some test cases will be like this

  1. Add Place with all valid field.It will return a Id.
  2. Add Place without mandatory field,it should return a json which will contain code,feature and message.
  3. Add Path with all valid field.It will return a Id.
  4. Add Path without mandatory field, it should return a json which will contain code,feature and message.
  5. Search on find path with valid source and destination which is on our place.
  6. Search on find Path with All mandatory field and valid source and destination.
  7. Search on find path with Destination that is not in our place but nearest place available within 50KM.This should return valid response.
  8. Search on find path with destination that is not in our place and also no nearest place available within 50KM.Should return response with code,feature and message.
  9. Search on find path with valid container size that is in our DB.
  10. Search on find path with invalid container size that is not in our DB. Should return response with code,feature and message.
  11. Search on find path with duration for delivery. check output. if invalid duration then return response with code,feature and message.
  12. Search on find path with cost range for delivery. check output. if no route find within this cost,should return response with code,feature and message.
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