IKRANDAY is a madinka word meaning "make sure and learn it". The name was devise with the aim to provide people a convenient way of learning that is completely different from the traditional way. With a click of a link, users can land on the home page, search their desire courses, purchase and then start learning from the comfort of their home
This project is a full-stack application that combines react, tailwind, css and shadcdn in the frontend and Prisma, Nodejs, and MYSQL in backend.
The aim is to build a fully functional web-application for online learning management system.
- User authentication and Authorization via a clerk
- Teachers can upload their courses and they can also manage their students
- Clients can search courses and make purchase, enrol and then get certificated upon completion
- Admin can manage everything else in the application
Use the package manager npm to install the packages and then start the development.
npm install
npm start
git clone https://github.com/sangaryousmane/alx-lms-portfolio.git
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
OUSMANE SANGARY: sangaryousmane@gmail.com