A graphical analysis/report of the spread of COVID-19 Through California
I utilized Geopandas to create choropleth maps demonstrating the spread of COVID-19 through California from March - July 2020.
The maps were created using 3 datasets:
- COVID-19 cases by county (https://data.chhs.ca.gov/dataset/california-covid-19-hospital-data-and-case-statistics)
- 2018 Census data (https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-counties-total.html)
- California Geographic boundaries (https://data.ca.gov/dataset/ca-geographic-boundaries)
Briefly, incidence, prevalence and mortality are common epidemiological indices:
Incidence: Number of new cases ÷ Population
Mortality: Total number of deaths ÷ Population
Prevalence: Total number of cases ÷ Population
A Jupyter notebook containing the steps utilized to create the choropleths is included in the repo including explanations of the steps. All the maps were created individually and combined into a single figure to demonstrate the spread over time.
I also included a labelling function that automatically labelled each county if its incidence/mortality/prevalence rates were > mean statewide value of the respective metric for that month.
This work was part of a larger analysis into the health and socioeconoic effects of COVID-19 in California.