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Laravel Coding Standards

Hello there, An awesome laravel community. We all have our own way of coding but for better readabilty and usage, I've added some common best practices here.

If you have any idea or suggestion then feel free to open a PR.

Naming conventions

What How Good Bad
controllers Singular ArticleController ArticlesController
route Plural articles/1 article/1
named route snake_case with dot notation users.show_active, show-active-users
model Singular User Users
hasOne or belongsTo relationship (In Model) Singular articleComment articleComments, article_comment
All other relationships Plural article_comments article_comment, articleComments
pivot table singular model names in alphabetical order article_user (Keep the same table name in database) user_article, articles_users
Table column -MySQL snake_case without model name meta_title metaTitle; article_meta_title
Foreign key singular model name with _id suffix article_id ArticleId, id_article, articles_id
Primary key - id custom_id
Method Small CamelCase getOrders get_Orders, GetOrders
Helper functions snake_case abort_if abortIf
Model property snake_case $user->profile_image $model->profileImage
variable camelCase $anyOtherVariable $any_other_variable
Collection descriptive, plural $activeUsers = User::active()->get() $active, $data
objects descriptive, singular $activeUser = User::active()->first() $users, $obj
Config and language files index snake_case articles_enabled articleEnabled,articles-enabled
views kebab-case show-filtered.blade.php showFiltered.blade.php, show_filtered.blade.php
configuration kebab-case google-calendar.php googleCalendar.php,google_calendar.php
Contract (interface) adjective or noun Authenticatable AuthenticationInterface, IAuthentication
trait adjective Notifiable NotificationTrait

Single responsibility principle

A class and a method should have only one responsibility.


public function getFullNameAttribute()
        if (auth()->user() && auth()->user()->hasRole('client') && auth()->user()->isVerified()) {
            return 'Mr. ' . $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->middle_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;
        } else {
            return $this->first_name[0] . '. ' . $this->last_name;


   public function getFullNameAttribute()
        return $this->isVerifiedClient() ? $this->getFullNameLong() :      $this->getFullNameShort();

    public function isVerifiedClient()
        return auth()->user() && auth()->user()->hasRole('client') && auth()->user()->isVerified();

    public function getFullNameLong()
        return 'Mr. ' . $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->middle_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;

    public function getFullNameShort()
        return $this->first_name[0] . '. ' . $this->last_name;

2. Fat models, skinny controllers [We can implement MVCS Model]

Put all DB related logic into Eloquent models or into Repository classes if you're using Query Builder or raw SQL queries.


  public function index()
        $clients = Client::verified()
            ->with(['orders' => function ($q) {
                $q->where('created_at', '>', Carbon::today()->subWeek());

        return view('index', ['clients' => $clients]);


   public function index()
        return view('index', ['clients' => $this->client->getWithNewOrders()]);

    class Client extends Model
        public function getWithNewOrders()
            return $this->verified()
                ->with(['orders' => function ($q) {
                    $q->where('created_at', '>', Carbon::today()->subWeek());

3. Validation

Move validation from controllers to Request classes.


  public function store(Request $request)
            'title' => 'required|unique:posts|max:255',
            'body' => 'required',
            'publish_at' => 'nullable|date',



   public function store(PostRequest $request)

    class PostRequest extends Request
        public function rules()
            return [
                'title' => 'required|unique:posts|max:255',
                'body' => 'required',
                'publish_at' => 'nullable|date',

Custom validation rule

php artisan make:rule BirthYearRule

class BirthYearRule implements Rule
  public function passes($attribute, $value)
        return $value >= 1990 && $value <= date('Y');

     * Get the validation error message.
     * @return string
    public function message()
        return 'The :attribute must be between 1990 to '.date('Y').'.';


class RegisterRequest extends Request
public function rules()
        return [
            'name' => 'required',
            'birth_year' => [
                new BirthYearRule()

4. Business logic should be in service class

A controller must have only one responsibility, so move business logic from controllers to service classes. It will help us to use the same function for web and API.


public function store(Request $request)
        if ($request->hasFile('image')) {
            $path= $request->file('image')->store(‘image’,’public’);
        //here the public is storage disk


create a service class in app/Services/ArticleService.php

public function store(Request $request)


    class ArticleService
        public function handleUploadedImage($image)
            if (!is_null($image)) {
                $path= $image->store(‘image’,’public’);

5. Don't repeat yourself (DRY)

Reuse code when you can. SRP is helping you to avoid duplication. So, reuse Blade templates, use Eloquent scopes etc.


public function getActive()
        return $this->where('verified', 1)->whereNotNull('deleted_at')->get();

    public function getArticles()
        return $this->whereHas('user', function ($q) {
                $q->where('verified', 1)->whereNotNull('deleted_at');


public function scopeActive($q)
        return $q->where('verified', 1)->whereNotNull('deleted_at');

    public function getActive()
        return $this->active()->get();

    public function getArticles()
        return $this->whereHas('user', function ($q) {

6. Prefer to use Eloquent over using Query Builder and raw SQL queries. Prefer collections over arrays

Eloquently allows you to write readable and maintainable code. Also, Eloquent has great built-in tools like soft deletes, events, scopes etc.


    FROM `articles`
                  FROM `users`
                  WHERE `articles`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
                  AND EXISTS (SELECT *
                              FROM `profiles`
                              WHERE `profiles`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`)
                  AND `users`.`deleted_at` IS NULL)
    AND `verified` = '1'
    AND `active` = '1'
    ORDER BY `created_at` DESC



7. Do not execute queries in Blade templates and use eager loading(N+1 problem)

From Laravel 8.43 onwards prevent lazy loading:

Path : /provides/AppServiceProvider

      * Bootstrap any application services.
      * @return void
     public function boot()
       Model::preventLazyLoading(! app()->isProduction());

Bad (for 100 users, 101 DB queries will be executed):

  @foreach (User::all() as $user)


$users = User::with('profile')->get();

    @foreach ($users as $user)


8. Comment your code, but prefer descriptive method and variable names over comments


if (count((array) $builder->getQuery()->joins) > 0)


// Determine if there are any joins.
if (count((array) $builder->getQuery()->joins) > 0)


if ($this->hasJoins())

Comment your function with author and date of modified for your team

* @param  Request  $request
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse
* @author Dev A
* @updatedBy Dev B
public function export(Request $request)
      return Excel::download(new OrdersExport(),'orders.xls');

9. Do not put JS and CSS in Blade templates and do not put any HTML in PHP classes


let article = ``;


<input id="article" type="hidden" value="">

Usage in JS file

let article = $('#article').val();

Instead of using html in controller use view rendering


//Long HTML tags in the php like below

return "<span>". {{$user->name}}." </span>"; 


return View::make('', ['user' => $user])->render();

10. Use config and language files, constants instead of text in the code


public function isAdmin()
        return $this->role === 'admin';


public function isAdmin()
        return $this->role === User::TYPE_ADMIN;

11. Do not get data from the ".env" file directly

Pass the data to config files instead and then use the config() helper function to use the data in an application.


$stripeKey = env('STRIPE_KEY');
$stripeSecret= env('STRIPE_SECRET');


    // config/services.php
          'key' => env('STRIPE_KEY'),
	  'secret' => env('STRIPE_SECRET'),

    // Use the data
    $stripeKey = config('services.stripe.key');

also use .env.example file as reference for the other developer so he can get to know about the third party keys and secret.

We can make our custom config file for the specific feature like for ex. we have used a OpenTok so we can make config file.


12. Use config filesystem for the storage of media

Store your local media files (profile, product photo etc...) to the storage folder instead of public folder:

Execute php artisan storage:link for creating symlink in laravel (public/storage)

//   config/filesystem.php
'disks' => [
     'public' => [
       'driver' => 'local',
       'root' => storage_path('app/public/uploads'),
       'url' => env('APP_URL') . '/storage/uploads/',
       'visibility' => 'public',

Store Image

 $path= Storage::disk('public')->put('avatars/1', $request->image);


@if (Storage::disk('s3')->exists($user->avatar))
    <img src={{Storage::disk('s3')->get($user->avatar)}} title="avatar"></img>

13.Route service provider for web / api.

public function boot()

    $this->routes(function () {
        Route::prefix('api') // to make it dynamic


Also create different php files for the different role and include in web.php or api.php for better readabilty


14. User SQL to eloquent convertor for the raw and complex SQL

Raw SQL to eloquent convertor online

15. Encryption in laravel

Laravel uses AES-256 and AES-128 encrypter, which uses Open SSL for encryption. All the values included in Laravel are signed using the protocol Message Authentication Code so that the underlying value cannot be tampered with once it is encrypted.

php artisan key:generate


public function storeSecret(Request $request, $id) {
      $user = User::findOrFail($id);
         'secret' => encrypt($request->secret)


$decrypted = decrypt($encryptedValue);

Note: Please note that do not change the APP_KEY in the production. Otherwise you can’t decrypt the values.


for ex : The hashed passwords are stored using make method. This method allows managing the work factor of the bcrypt hashing algorithm, which is popularly used in Laravel.

         'password' => Hash::make($request->newPassword) // Hashing


if (Hash::check('plain-text', $hashedPassword)) {
// The passwords match...

16. Use softdeletes() as per the requirement

Softdeletes just updates the deleted_at column in the database instead of deleting records completely. kind of archieve.

Schema::create('posts', function(Blueprint $table)
        // more fields
        $table->softDeletes(); //<--This will add a deleted_at field

class Post extends Model {

    use SoftDeletes;

    protected $table = 'posts';

    // ...

public function destroy(Post $post)

17. User Seeder and faker to dump data in the database

The factory and seeder are used to test performace of the application with good amount of dummy data.

class StudentFactory extends Factory
     * The name of the factory's corresponding model.
     * @var string
    protected $model = Student::class;

     * Define the model's default state.
     * @return array
    public function definition()
        return [
            "name" => $this->faker->name(),
            "email" => $this->faker->safeEmail,
            "mobile" => $this->faker->phoneNumber,
            "age" => $this->faker->numberBetween(25, 45),
            "gender" => $this->faker->randomElement([
            "address_info" => $this->faker->address

To generate 1000 students

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
{       public function run()

18.Laravel blade components

Please refer the components for more information.

for example here we are creating a simple alert component to show success/error message.

php artisan make:component Alert

This command will create two files:


alert.php file:


namespace App\View\Components;

use Illuminate\View\Component;

class Alert extends Component
    public $type;
    public $message;

    public function __construct($type, $message)
        $this->type = $type;
        $this->message = $message;

    public function render()
        return view('components.alert');

and in the alert.blade.php:

<div class="alert alert-{{ $type }}">
    {{ $message }}

and here we go, we can call the component as below in our blade file

<x-alert type="error" :message="$message" class="mt-4"/>

19. env file

Don't forget to change APP_URL in your .env file from http://localhost to the real URL, cause it will be the basis for any links in your email notifications and elsewhere.


20. Composer dependency commands

  • composer install to install all the dependencies as specified in the composer.lock file.
  • composer update will update your depencencies as they are specified in composer.json file.
  • composer update --dry-run to see all the dependencies being updated just like you would see when you run the composer update command. The only difference is it’s just a visual cue of which package will get updated to which version without the actual dependency updation.
  • composer outdated shows you the list of outdated packages.
  • composer show -l returns the complete list of packages. packages in need of update are colored red. the (still) up to date ones are colored green.

21. Steps to make your Laravel app ready for production

1 . Apply changes to your .env file:



2 . Make sure that you are optimizing Composer's class autoloader map

  • composer dump-autoload --optimize
  • or along install: composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev

3 . Cache the framework bootstrap files:

  • php artisan optimize

4 . Compile all of the application's Blade templates:

  • php artisan view:cache

5 . (Optional) Compiling assets

  • npm run production You can also run this command in your local machine and directly add those minifield files to your master/main branch.

6 . (Optional) Start Laravel task scheduler by adding the following Cron entry

  • * * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

7 . (Optional) Install, config and start the Supervisor (docs):

8 . (Optional) Create a symbolic link to public/storage from storage/app/public

  • php artisan storage:link

for more information visit the laravel deployment documentation.


Common best practices for coding in Laravel.






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