This Project has been created using Hardhat x BuildBear
1️⃣ Clone/fork Hardhat x Buildbear:
git clone
2️⃣ Install dependencies
cd UniswapV4
npm install
3️⃣ Create your private testnet (forked from the mainnet):
npm run createTestnet
Once the Testnet is live, its RPC, Explorer and Faucet details are added to the testnet.json
4️⃣ To Deploy the
smart contract
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
- Getting to know Solidity
- Building a Decentralized NFT Marketplace
- Build your own Decentralized Exchange
- Build Your Own Decentralized Lending Protocol
- Learn and deploy an ERC 1155 smart contract
- Learn how to Code a Decentralised Hotel Booking System Smart Contract
- Building an NFT Lottery: Step-by-Step Guide for Creating a Smart Contract and Frontend
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