Short Description: Final project built with WebGL using WebCGF library
Institution: FEUP
Course: MIEIC
Curricular Unit: CGRA (Computer Graphics)
- Diogo Samuel Fernandes,
- Hugo Guimarães,
The aim of this project was built a WebGL scene using transformations, illumination, materials, textures and shaders that we learned in practical classes. The source code that we did in practical classes can be found in this repository.
Some skybox textures used in this project can be found on Open Game Art.
To run this project you need to start a local server on its root. If you have trouble configuring your local server you can also see this project on Github Pages.
- Javascript
- WebGL
- WebCFG
The terrain and skybox's textures, as well as their visibility on the scene, can be changed in the interface, specifically in the Scenario Config folder. Vehicle textures and visibility can be changed in the Vehicle Config folder.
We have many SkyBox textures that we found online. Two of them are inspired by My Little Pony.
We made two different textures for our Zeppelin. The former is inspired by Rainbow Dash, a pegasus from My Little Pony, and the latter is inspired by the game Portal.
There are 2 different textures for the Supply. The selected texture can either be the default wood crate, or the Companion Cube from Portal
In addition, it is also possible to view both the cylinder and the sphere individually, as well as the normals of all currently displayed objects on the scene.
Also, if the current SkyBox texture is either Palace or Rainbow Dash, you can listen to My Little Pony's theme song in Portuguese by selecting the textBox Music in Scenario Config.
Our Supplies also have horizontal movement, following the rotation and direction of our zeppelin.
- W - Increase Speed
- D - Decrease Speed
- A - Turn Left
- D - Turn Right
- L - Drop a Box from the Zeppelin (Up to 5 boxes, each takes 3 seconds to reach the ground)
- P - Toggle Auto-Pilot (Zeppelin makes circular turns of radius 5 in 5 seconds)
- R - Restart Scene
This repository was used for educational purposes. The solutions here may not be the most efficient ones. You can use the code at your own risk.