I'm Sam BISSELELE a.k.a. JOKERCODE(developper name)
A UI/UX Designer and full stack web developper. I like remote work, but can work on place.
- 🔭 I’m currently working at Sycamore SARL as Full-Stack Developer
- 💬 Ask me about :
- React JS/Next JS
- Node JS/Express JS or NestJS
- Flutter
- Figma (Web design)
- WordPress
- Airtable
- 📫 How to reach me: sambisselele@gmail.com
- All of my project are avaibale at Portfolio
- Connect with me: Linkedin
- My points of interest :
- Computer development
- Reading crime novels and computer articles
- Music (Educational Rap, Pop, Traditional Kasai Songs)
- Japanese manga
- Tourism