Contact: sam.aybar@datasift.com
##Summary Makes HTTP requests to the Validate and Compile PYLON Endpoints. Will tell if you have valid CSDL or return the hash for the CSDL.
###Recommended Using the Sublime Text 3 Package Control plugin (http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) press CMD + SHIFT + P (on OS X) and find Package Control: Add Repository and press Enter. Paste in the url for this Github repository (https://github.com/samaybar/SublimeDataSiftPYLON) Then CMD + SHIFT + P then Install Package and find this plugin in the list by name Sublime DataSift PYLON.
###Alternate Or git clone to your Sublime Text 3 packages folder directly (usually located at /Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/).
Add your PYLON authorization/api key to your Sublime Preferences.sublime-settings file (press CMD + , on OS X)
"pylon_auth": "USERNAME:APIKEY"
From context Menu, select Validate CSDL to validate, Compile CSDL to compile. If these commands are grayed out, copy the pylon_compiler.py file from the sublimedatasiftpylon directory to the parent directory. Or, select from Command Pallete (CMD + SHIFT + P) Keyboard shortcuts: Validate - CTRL + ALT + V Compile - CTRL + ALT + C