Please refer to wiki for the latest information:
- ICAP Server
- Glasswall Engineering Website Proxy
- Minio Server
- Minio Proxy
Download OVA file from here
Open VirtualBox and import downloaded OVA file: icap-Rancher.ova
Once OVA is imported, go to Settings>Network>Adapter 2
Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
Attached to: Host-Only Adapter
Start ICAP Server VM
Login (username: user, password: secret)
In command line shell, type:
ip a show eth1
Check the ip address for eth1 (this address to be used in the following step)
Give 5-10min for ICAP Server to completely start
On your localhost machine (make sure you have c-icap-client installed) run below command to test the connectivity to ICAP server:
c-icap-client -i
Expected results: The command should respond with 200 OK.
You can also verify that server is working correctly by rebuilding a file:
c-icap-client -f ./test.pdf -i -p 1344 -s gw_rebuild -o rebuilt.pdf -v
Here is the video with above instructions: ICAP Server and Glasswall Engineering Website OVAs
Glasswall Engineering OVA for demoing Glasswall Rebuild engine proxy for website
Make sure that ICAP Server OVA is imported into VM and is started. Glasswall Enfineering OVA is dependent on previous one.
Download OVA file from here
Open VirtualBox and import downloaded OVA file: glasswall-engineering.ova
Once OVA is imported, go to Settings>Network>Adapter 2
Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
Attached to: Host-Only Adapter
Start Glasswall Engineering VM
Login (username: user, password: secret)
Open any browser (preferably Firefox) and try to access:
To avoid SSL Certificate warning on your host machine run:
scp user@ ca.pem
Import ca.pem certificate in Firefox under Options > View Certificates > Authorithies tab
For Chrome this will not work since cert needs to be added on the system
Navigate to Documentation tab > Sample Files and try to download pdf file and verify that file has "Glasswall Approved" watermark
Here is the video with above instructions: Glasswall Engineering Website OVA
Here is the video with above instructions: ICAP Server and Glasswall Engineering Website OVAs
Download the OVA from here
Open VirtualBox and import downloaded OVA file: minio-server.ova
Once OVA is imported, go to Settings>Network>Adapter 2
Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
Attached to: Host-Only Adapter
Start Minio Server VM
Login (username: user, password: secret)
In command line, type:
ip a show eth1
Check the ip address for eth1 (this address to be used in the following step)
In your local hosts file (on win: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, on MAC/Linux: /etc/hosts) add following lines
<VM IPADDRESS> minio.server
Example: minio.server
Open any browser and try to access: http://minio.server
Login to Minio Server (username: user, password: secret_password)
Download the Minio Proxy OVA from here
Open VirtualBox and import downloaded OVA file: minio-proxy.ova
Once OVA is imported, go to Settings>Network>Adapter 2
Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
Attached to: Host-Only Adapter
Start Minio Proxy VM
Login (username: user, password: secret)
Access Proxied Minio Server at:
Note: It takes some time for page to load
Login to Minio Proxied Server (username: user, password: secret_password)
If you are not able to rebuild file using ICAP-Server VM:
Windows/WSL2 are not legit way to test that (can be added as exception)
If same issue is present on Linux: shut down virtual box, run in linux local host
sudo apt install build-essential dkms virtualbox-ext-pack
, in virtualbox: file> host network manager > make sure that the adapter created is enabled, then make sure that when the vm is shut down, in the vm's settings you can see the adapter that was created earlier in adapter 2
If you get NGINX error "Faithfully yours" in VM run:
sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker-compose up -d
If you get error for invalid URL containing additional
you probably started GW ENG VM or Minio Proxy VM before starteing ICAP Server OVA. Make sure that ICAP Server OVA is always started first. -
Do not change any local host network or firewall configuration during or after starting the VMs it can compromise the adapters.
In case you get error code 9 in your browser, it is due to ICAP TimeBomb for License files. Give it some time, it will disappears.