FAST NUCES , Karachi
- Karachi
(UTC +05:00) - in/samaha-batool-255bba23b
- Pro
ToDoList-Django Public
to do list in django using rest api and seperate admin and user panel
FlyDubaiRefundResponse Public
flydubai refund response json map to python objects
1 week preparation kit hacker rank in python
DevDay_LoginPage Public
Forked from tRzBlizzard/DevDay_LoginPageLogin Page for Dev Day
CSS UpdatedApr 14, 2024 -
Attendance_Management_System_Procom24 Public
Forked from Procom-24/Attendance_Management_System_Procom24TechStack
Python UpdatedMar 7, 2024 -
WebDevFackCoders Public
web development competition , softec , abdul rehman , samaha batool, shaheer ul islam
PHP UpdatedFeb 25, 2024 -
coin-collector-game Public
This Pygame-powered game challenges you to control a fox, collect coins, and increase your score in 15 seconds. Coins reset to random positions after collection. Final score displayed at end.
Event-Sphere Public
team members: samaha batool, shaheer ul islam, abdul rehman
this repository contains the code for geometric algorithm visualizer made by our team for design and analysis of algorithm project
meme-generator Public
this is a meme generator project made using languages html, css and javascript
HTML UpdatedOct 31, 2023 -
Login-form Public
This is the registration form (login-signup) made using react.js + node.js + MySQL
JavaScript UpdatedOct 24, 2023 -
This repository showcases my completed tasks during the Python Programming Internship at Codsfot. It reflects my practical experience and growth.
"Your ultimate hub for parallel and distributed computing resources, including courses, labs, code, research, tutorials, and a vibrant community."
Portfolio Public
In this repository I am exploring codespaces using javascript and react portfolio template
AdmissionQueries_ChatBot Public
Forked from kashiiitech/AdmissionQueries_ChatBotChatBot for the new students to get help this is a flask app and used python and natural language processing.
chatbot-python-sayabidevs-week-1 Public
Forked from Ammar-Asim-23/chatbot-python-sayabidevs-week-1 -
CarRentalSystem Public
This is the car rental system project made in c++ using multiple concepts of data structures