Truthfill is a project based so that you can receive honest feedback from your friends, family, and coworkers. All feedback is submitted anonymously. Logged in users can be replied back to anonymously and can rate and favorite users and like messages.
- Register/Login - password hashing when storing in the database with registration including email verification
- Profile Rating - allows the user to rank a user from 1-5 stars; ranks get averaged out and displayed on the profile to logged in users
- Chats - lets the user reply to any message that came from a logged in user meanwhile not displaying their identity
- Commenting - allows a logged in or logged out user to leave a comment on a user’s profile by opening their friend's unique link
- Dashboard - Displaying the number of new messages/chats notifications, favorites, unique URL, rank, likes, and more.
- FAQ - Contact page including a email forum
- Settings - user can choose to disable logged in users from seeing comments about them.
- Account Deletion - allows a user to delete their account if they wish, requires password verification
The demo version is up and running at
- Paper-Dashboard - The template used
- correctImageOrientation - iOS Image Rotate Fix