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Just a simple threadpool, based on C11 which uses the new threads.h library.


A basic fixed size, circular buffer queue with enqueue and dequeue functions.

Function Description
queue_t *queue_create(size_t capacity, size_t element_size) Creates a queue with the specified capacity and a size for each element. Returns the queue created.
int queue_enqueue(queue_t *queue, void *item, size_t item_size) Enqueue an item with a specified size and block if the queue is full. Returns -1 on error, 0 on success.
int queue_dequeue(queue_t *queue, void *dest) Dequeue an item. Returns -1 on error, 0 on success.
void queue_free(queue_t *queue) Free the queue back to the heap.


A very simple threadpool which uses basic enqueue and join functions.

Function Description
threadpool_t* threadpool_create(size_t worker_count, size_t queuesize) Creates a threadpool with the specified number of workers and queuesize. Returns the threadpool created.
void threadpool_enqueue(threadpool_t *threadpool, void (*fn)(void*), void *arg) Enqueue an action to the threadpool's internal queue.
void threadpool_join(threadpool_t *threadpool) Wait for all threads in the thread pool to finish, and all tasks in the internal queue to be handled.
void threadpool_free(threadpool_t *threadpool) Free the threadpool back to the heap.


This C11 threadpool implementation is licensed under the MIT license.


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