Launch a self-hosted runner with the flag "--ephemeral" via AWS Batch.
It will be automatically terminated under any of the following conditions of the instance.
- The processing of the first job is finished
- I did not receive a job for a certain period of time after starting (default:120sec)
- this repository fork
- Note:
github self hosted runner
- Expiration:
- Select scopes:
- run terraform
$ cd regist-secret-key
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
Enter a value: `<Github Personal access token>`
$ cd ..
- run terraform
$ cd terraform
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
Inputs github user or organization or '*'.
Enter a value:
Inputs repository or '*'.
Enter a value:
$ cd ..
- memo Value of
- Key
- Value
<memo of Step4>
- run .github/workflows/updateSelfHostRunner.yml on forked repository
- run .github/workflows/hello.yml on forked repository