Screen shake for JavaScript / TypeScript games
Based on this GDC talk by Squirrel Eiserloh
- 👍 Works with any JS/TS rendering library or game engine
- 😋 Uses
Perlin noise
andexponential trauma
for a more satisfying shake - ⚡ Around
dependencies - 🦺 Fully typed
- 🌱 Seeded
You first need to create an instance by using the default export
import createScreenShake from 'screen-shake'
const screenShake = createScreenShake()
Configuration options
// The maximum amount of angle movement.
maxAngle = 12,
// The maximum amount of x offset movement.
maxOffsetX = 70,
// The maximum amount of y offset movement.
maxOffsetY = 70,
// The amount of updates until trauma goes from 1 to 0
duration = 28,
speed = 0.4,
// Set this for a predictable screen shake (useful for tests)
The screen shake instance has two methods:
(trauma: number) => void
How much trauma to add between 0 and 1 (equal to 100% trauma).
(time: number) => ({ angle: number, offsetX: number, offsetY: number })
Call this on every update of your game loop.
Has one argument, the time
since update was first called. (This is used to smoothly interpolate the noise)
Returns an object with the values to add to your camera:
- Add it to the cameras angleoffsetX
- Add it to the cameras x positionoffsetY
- Add it to the cameras y position
import createScreenShake from 'screen-shake'
// Create the instance. Configuration is optional.
const screenShake = createScreenShake()
if (projectileHit) {
// Add 10% trauma when hit
let time = 1
gameLoop(() => {
const { angle, offsetX, offsetY } = screenShake.update(time)
camera.angle = camera.angle + angle
camera.position.x = camera.x + offsetX
camera.position.y = camera.y + offsetY
npm install screen-shake