3625 commits
to develop
since this release
What's Changed
- Add sage.misc.latex.pdf to save the image of objects to pdf by @kwankyu in #38339
- add method is_vertex_cut to (di)graphs by @dcoudert in #38418
- work on Simon two-descent by @fchapoton in #38461
- allow supplying a value of q for special_supersingular_curve() by @yyyyx4 in #38483
- Added a method to compute the Tutte Symmetric function of a graph by @s-s-sawant in #38677
- NotImplementedError when pow() called with modulus by @kylehofmann in #38717
- Change wrapping of FLINT Z/nZ polynomial gcd failure by @kylehofmann in #38719
- fix issue in
by @dcoudert in #38725 - provide monomial_coefficients for polynomials and allow single argument for MPolynomialRing_base.monomial by @mantepse in #38729
- Expose Coxeter and dual Coxeter numbers in RootSystem class by @skipgaribaldi in #38730
- Docbuild: Fix conditionalization of documentation on features by @mkoeppe in #38731
: Update# needs
by @mkoeppe in #38732sage.categories
: Update# needs
by @mkoeppe in #38733- activate linter check of E275 and clean one file by @fchapoton in #38738
- move power series to Parent by @fchapoton in #38741
- various pep8 fixes in modular folder by @fchapoton in #38743
- Fix build.yml broken for releases by @kwankyu in #38747
- deprecate dict method of polynomials by @mantepse in #38748
- Corrects some inner products in root systems by @skipgaribaldi in #38750
: Modularization fixes (imports) by @mkoeppe in #38751- build/pkgs/sagetex/dependencies: add $(PYTHON_TOOLCHAIN) by @orlitzky in #38752
- Added two missing difference sets, updated URLs by @dmgordo in #38755
- src/sage/symbolic/integration: make libgiac integration optional by @orlitzky in #38756
- fix the output of method
by @dcoudert in #38757 - use StructureDescription() in gap/element.pyx tests by @dimpase in #38763
- Fix the latex representation of crystals tableaux by @kwankyu in #38764
- Fix time limitation in magma_free docstring by @Eloitor in #38765
- polynomials/fix category by @mantepse in #38767
- Do not allow external Pari 2.17 or later by @jhpalmieri in #38772
- rpy2 (standard) cannot depend on r (optional) by @vbraun in #38774
- Set explicit install name path on macOS suitesparse by @vbraun in #38775
- Fix test failures due to global mpmath state by @orlitzky in #38776
- Check the system R in SPKG rpy2 by @kwankyu in #38777
- add method
by @dcoudert in #38778 - slightly enhanced convolution of piecewise functions by @fchapoton in #38786
- Ruff e713 by @fchapoton in #38788
- avoid some type comparisons in combinat by @fchapoton in #38790
- fix docstring, fix whitespace around = and , by @mantepse in #38793
- switch to nauty for generating posets by @fchapoton in #38795
New Contributors
- @s-s-sawant made their first contribution in #38677
- @skipgaribaldi made their first contribution in #38730
- @dmgordo made their first contribution in #38755
Full Changelog: 10.5.beta6...10.5.beta7