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relocatable wheel version of package sage_conf #31396

Closed as not planned
Closed as not planned


This version of sage_conf is for making a wheel that packages the precompiled non-Python bits of the Sage distribution, making SAGE_ROOT (and thus SAGE_LOCAL=$SAGE_ROOT/local) relocatable using Marc Culler's symbolic link surgery (the method proposed in #31076, using SAGE_ROOT=/var/tmp/sage-... and a symlink).

The sage script invokes sage-config to determine SAGE_ROOT and SAGE_LOCAL. In the version of sage-config supplied by this version of sage_conf, we ensure that the symlink from /var/tmp/sage-.... to the actual install location is set.

So far, a wheel has been built for XCode python 3.8 on macOS 10.15. The wheel is 670MB in size, an order of magnitude above the standard file size limit on PyPI; but a file size limit increase (requested in pypi/support#985) has kindly been granted by the PyPI team.

The wheel declares dependencies (install-requires) to all Python packages in the Sage distribution that have extension modules. The dependencies are specific using @ to URLs on, where I have uploaded the binary wheels. Unfortunately, by PyPI policy, such @ references are not allowed for packages on PyPI.
Hence, the pip invocation needs to use a URL.

(See also

Instructions for testing:

  1. Make sure that the bin directory of the user installation scheme is in PATH. For example, on macOS:
$ export PATH=$HOME/Library/Python/3.8/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
  1. Install the wheel in the user scheme:
$ /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -U --user
  1. Run the installed sage.
$ sage

Procedure for building the sage_conf wheel and compatible wheels:

For building wheels on macOS Catalina that uses XCode python 3.8:

$ SKIP_CONFIGURE=1 tox -e local-macos-10.15-nohomebrew-python3_xcode -- bash
(tox -e ...) $ (cd src/pkgs/sage_conf-relocatable/ && python3 bdist_wheel --plat-name macosx_10_15_x86_64)


tox -e local-macos-10.15-nohomebrew-python3_xcode -- SAGE_CHECK=no sage-wheels

This creates (uploaded to

  • src/pkgs/sage_conf-relocatable/dist/sage_conf-9.3rc1-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_15_x86_64.whl
  • src/pkgs/sage_conf-relocatable/sage_root/venv-cpython-38-darwin-macosx_10_15_x86_64/var/lib/sage/wheels/*.whl

Build for macOS Big Sur (requires a machine running Big Sur or Monterey) (uploaded to

tox -e local-macos-11.1-nohomebrew-python3_xcode -- SAGE_CHECK=no sage-wheels

Build for macOS Monterey (requires a machine running Monterey)

tox -e local-macos-12.1-nohomebrew-python3_xcode -- SAGE_CHECK=no sage-wheels

Build for Linux (does not work yet):

$ TARGETS_PRE=Makefile tox -e docker-manylinux-2_24-minimal-python3.9 -- sage-wheels

Follow-up steps:

Depends on #33817

CC: @culler @kliem @dimpase @jhpalmieri @slel @kiwifb

Component: relocation

Author: Matthias Koeppe

Branch/Commit: u/mkoeppe/relocatable_wheel_version_of_package_sage_conf @ 1b2d4be

Reviewer: Julian Rüth

Issue created by migration from



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