Sadique.Dev is my personal portfolio website, designed to showcase my development skills, projects, education background, certifications, and professional experience. The website features an interactive and visually appealing interface to highlight my journey and achievements.
- React - For building a dynamic and interactive UI
- JavaScript - Core language for interactivity
- Typed.js - For animated typing effects
- Tailwind CSS - For a sleek and responsive design
- Font Awesome - For icons and visual enhancements
- Heroicons - For additional icon support
- Showcases my skills, projects, and experience
- Responsive design for seamless viewing on all devices
- Animated typing effects using Typed.js
- Fast and optimized performance with Tailwind CSS
- Modern UI/UX for a clean and engaging experience
Check out the live version of my portfolio: sadiquedev
Made with ❤️ by Mohammad Sadique