👀 Interested in AI, NLP, and ML.
🌱 Learning advanced deep learning techniques.
💞️ Open to collaborations on AI projects and open-source tools.
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun fact: I love exploring AI ethics and training models for fun!
👀 Interested in AI, NLP, and ML.
🌱 Learning advanced deep learning techniques.
💞️ Open to collaborations on AI projects and open-source tools.
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun fact: I love exploring AI ethics and training models for fun!
A micro-service app with comprises of the frontend build with ionic and angular and two backend for users and feeds
the frontend of my personal blog using React
A small react project that you can use to search for a user and circle through the public repositories they have, and view the readme file of each repo.
Forked from udacity/cloud-developer
content for Udacity's cloud developer nanodegree