Statements | Functions | Lines |
TinyEvents is a tiny event utility library for modern browsers(IE 11+). Supports jQuery like syntax. Just 1 kb gzipped.
- Event namespace support
- Works with collection of elements
- Custom events support
- Add or remove multiple events at a time.
- Easy event delegation
- Attach event listeners to dynamically added element
- And more. Just 1 kb
Codepen Demo -
TinyEvents is available on NPM, Yarn, and GitHub. You can use any of the following method to download tinyEvents
NPM - NPM is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. You can install
using the following commandnpm install tiny-events.js
YARN - Yarn is another popular package manager for the JavaScript programming language. If you prefer you can use Yarn instead of NPM
yarn add tiny-events.js
GitHub - You can also directly download tinyevents from GitHub
<button class="change-bg">Change background color</button>
<button class="change-color">Change color</button>
<button class="remove-btn">Remove click</button>
<span id="color-code">#FFF</span>
import tinyEvents from 'tinyevents';
tinyEvents(".change-bg").on("click.sample mouseover.sample", () => {
const color = getRandomColor(); = color;
tinyEvents(".change-color").on("click.sample", () => {
const color = getRandomColor(); = color;
tinyEvents(".remove-btn").on("click", () => {
tinyEvents(".change-bg, .change-color").off(".sample");
tinyEvents("#color-code").on("color-change", (event) => {
const { color } = event.detail;
document.getElementById("color-code").innerHTML = color;
function getRandomColor() {
return "#" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16);
function triggerColorChange(color) {
// Custom events demo
tinyEvents("#color-code").trigger("color-change", {
- on - Attach an event handler function for one or more events to the selected elements.
- off - Remove an event handlers.
- one - Attach a handler to an event for the elements. The handler is executed at most once per element per event type.
- trigger - Execute all handlers and behaviors attached to the matched elements for the given event type.
Attach an event handler function for one or more events to the selected elements.
import $ from 'tinyevents';
$('.btn').on('', () => { = 'red';
$('.btn').on('my-custom-event', (e) => {
Event delegation is an event handling technique where, instead of attaching event handlers directly to every element you want to listen to events on, you attach a single event handler to a parent element of those elements to listen for events occurring on it’s descendant elements
By passing a selector as the second argument to on()
method, the event handler will fire only if the event is triggered on the selector
import tinyEvents from 'tinyevents';
tinyEvents('body').on('mousemove', 'span', () => {
console.log('Hovering over span');
Remove event handlers.
tinyEvents('.btn').on('', () => { = 'red';
// Removes both click and hover event handlers
// Removes event handlers by namespace
// Removes both click and hover event handlers
// Removes all click events handlers that were attached with .on()
// Another example with multiple namespaces
tinyEvents('.btn').on('', () => { = 'red';
tinyEvents('.btn').on('', () => { = 'yellow';
// Removes both event handlers
tinyEvents('.btn').off('.abc .xyz');
Attach a handler to an event for the elements. The handler is executed at most once per element per event type.
tinyEvents('.btn').one('click', () => {
alert('This will be displayed only once.');
// or
tinyEvents('ul').one('click', 'li', () => {
alert('This will be displayed only once.');
Execute all handlers and behaviors attached to the matched elements for the given event type.
tinyEvents('.btn').on('my-custom-event', (event) => {
// prints 'custom-event'
tinyEvents('.btn').trigger('my-custom-event', {
type: 'custom-event',
purpose: 'some text'