This is a small bash script, which works as a DynDNS updater. It works only with domains which are registered at It only updates the ip record, if the ip has changed.
This script does not require any additional tools. All tools should be available on a regular linux system:
- curl
- sed
- Create a new directory in your home folder. E.g. dyndns.
mkdir ~/dyndns
cd ~/dyndns
- Clone the files from github
git clone .
- Edit the and fill in your login credentials.
- Get the wished dns entry id from the inwx website and set it in the script.
- Edit your crontab. For a 5-minutes update use:
*/5 * * * * cd /home/$USER/dyndns && bash
- Edit your crontab. For a 5-minutes update use:
crontab -e