A portable HTML file to pack markdown, image, css, and any data files into single HTML file.
WikiPack has 2 main functions:
A single HTML file containing both wiki/blog viewer and wiki/blog contents
A single HTML file providing wiki/blog pages without wiki/blog server
Open the WikiPack HTML file
Drag-and-drop the directory (not a file 1) holding your markdown and image files
Select 'Pack...' from the pull-down menu, then all files under the directory will be packed in a single HTML file.
Open the saved HTML file. You can find that the saved HTML file packs all your markdown and image files. You can transfer it to anyone as a file, as an attachment of mail, via file server, memory device etc.
CSS files in the same directory and 'css' sub-directory of the markdown file will be loaded and applied.
- Markdown CSS : GitHub Flavoured
- Code Highlight CSS : highlight.js
Any keywords can be highlighed with a special language name like
will be rendered as
<code class="language-#blue[text-blue,foo];#dc143c[text-#dc143c,bar];%yellow[background-yellow,baz];%7fff00[background-#7fff00]">
<span style="color:blue">text-blue</span>
<span style="color:#dc143c">text-#dc143c</span>
<span style="background-color:yellow">background-yellow</span>
<span style="background-color:#7fff00">background-#7fff00</span></code></pre>
No reference image will be displayed if a markdown file (not directory) is drag-and-dropped ↩