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$ yarn reset
$ cd web/yesplz-mobile
$ yarn start

List of Commands

Monorepo Root (/)

Scripts Descriptions
yarn reset install dependencies across all packages. Important to do after added new dependencies in each packages
yarn build Build all /web packages
yarn storybook Run storybook for all packages (port: 9009)
yarn test Run tests of all packages

Mobile (/web/yesplz-mobile)

Scripts Descriptions
yarn start Serve development server in specific port
yarn build Build project
yarn analyze Run bundle size analyzer. Must build the project first.
yarn test Run tests. add --watch for auto reload

Desktop (/web/yesplz-desktop)

Scripts Descriptions
yarn start Serve development server in specific port
yarn build Build project
yarn analyze Run bundle size analyzer. Must build the project first.
yarn test Run tests. add --watch for auto reload


  1. ssh to yesplz server.
  2. Go to ~/yesplz_front/ directory.
  3. git pull to get last code updates or change branch if necessary.
  4. Run docker-compose stop to stop running containers (use sudo for non root users).
  5. Run docker-compose up -d --build to start building the images (use sudo for non root users). To start container without building the image, run docker-compose up -d.

Update Visual Filter SVG

  1. Go to /packages/core-web/vf_svg.
  2. You can edit the svg parts. Note: The filters button won’t be merged, since it was moved to React component for reusability purpose.
  3. To merge assets, run python (or with using python3) to produce vf_bundle.svg file (vf with horizontal thumbnails) and python to produce vf_bundle_thumb_vertical.svg (vf with vertical thumbnails).

Docker Settings

  • To update docker script, go to /docker/ directory and modify Dockerfile. Docker compose file is located on root directory.
  • There are environment variable configurations for mobile web (/docker/.env) and desktop web (/docker/.env.desktop). (PRODUCTION)
  • You can also modify the nginx configuration at /docker/nginx.conf to change routing / redirect rules.


Add these extension in your chrome browser to help with debugging:

For vscode users, please install eslint addons and add this to vscode user settings:

"eslint.options": {
    "configFile": ".eslintrc"

.env.local file in web\yesplz-* directory will override default .env


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