I'm a full stack developer, focusing on frontend. I have a passion for technology and solving problems with clean, reusable code. I love collaborating as a team and contributing by engineering solutions that are scalable and accessible. Motivated by the challenge of bringing a vision to life, I strive to learn new technologies and guiding principles as I endeavour to expand my ever-growing skillset.
Learn more about me at: https://www.ryan-vu.com/
My skills include but not limited to:
- HTML | CSS | Sass | Material-UI | Tailwind CSS | Styled Components | Bootstrap
- Responsive Design | Modern UI/UX Design
- JavaScript ES6 | jQuery | React | Redux Toolkit | React Query | Context API
- Unit Testing | React Testing Library | Jest
- REST API | Axios | RTK Query
- Node.js | Express | MongoDB | Mongoose | PostgreSQL
- Python | Flask | Turtle Graphics | Pandas | Tkinter | BeautifulSoup
- Git | GitHub | VS Code | PyCharm | Postman | Vite.js
- Amazon Web Services - AWS | Heroku | Netlify | Railway | Render