🗹 Requirements
- I have searched the issues for my issue and found nothing related and/or helpful
- I have searched the FAQ for help
- I have searched the Wiki for help
🎯 Subject of the issue
Experienced behavior:
Subpixel rendering e0b4 & e0b6 (round powerline caps) is broken in comparism to e0b0 & e0b2
There's a red vertical bar on right end of e0b6 and a blue vertical bar on left end of e0b4
Happens with at least SauceCode and Monofur
The behavior can somewhat be mitigated by fumbling with the font sizes (heavily depends on TE and DPI, using urxvt and pixelsize I can precisely control this, but not fix it) and the LCD filter (lcdnone and lcdlegacy generally look "bad", but I can find a font size where it's just about fixed - but then there's an even amount of pixels and the glyph vertically off by one. lcddefault and lcdlight will always render a discolored bar - at least I could not fumble it away but for unreasonably -on 96 DPI- large fonts)
There's no such issue with the angular powerline caps, maybe fixed by #156 (comment) ?
Expected behavior:
Subpixel rendering e0b4 & e0b6 to be more like that of e0b0 & e0b2
Example symbols:
- e0b4
- e0b6
🔧 Your Setup
- Which font are you using (e.g.
Anonymice Powerline Nerd Font Complete.ttf
)?- SauceCodeProNerdFont-Regular.ttf
- MonofurNerdFont-Regular.ttf
- Where did you get the file from (download link, self patched, source downloaded from link...)
- Which terminal emulator are you using (e.g.
)?- urxvt
- alacritty
- xterm
- Are you using OS X, Linux or Windows? And which specific version or distribution?
- archlinux