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base repository: ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
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base: faf7503
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head repository: ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
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compare: c8bd64c
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  • 2 commits
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Sep 7, 2022

  1. font-patcher: Shift glyphs in a ScaleGlyph identically

    Ranges of glyphs in the ScaleGlyph shall be handles 'as one' glyph,
    utilizing the same scale (and new: the same shift) for each of them.
    The shift has been ignored until now; each glyph is shifted based on its
    individual bounding box and not the combined bounding box.
    This is needed now for Braille glyphs, where the relative position of an
    identical 'dot' is of significance.
    We use the ScaleGlyph's new combined bounding box feature (previous
    commit) to do the shifting based on that virtual box instead of the
    concrete glyph's box.
    For this to work we always prepareScaleGlyph(); previously we only did
    it if we needed the scale for --mono.
    Because we do the shifting after the scaling the combined bounding box
    also needs to be scaled.
    Cave: The actual glyph transformation (scaling) is not exact and incurs
    rounding errors. To prevent that we usually first scale, then determine
    the new bounding box (which is slightly different from what mathe-
    matically would be expected), then do the shift based on the new BB.
    This can not be done with our 'virtual' bounding box, so we resort to
    the 'mathematically correct' shift, which can be off by some 0.x %.
    Do not use this on glyphs that shall go right to the border of the font
    To enforce this it is only active if we have a negative 'overlap' (i.e.
    padding) around that glyphs.
    Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
    Finii committed Sep 7, 2022
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  2. font-patcher: Preserve padding around Braille glyphs

    Usually we scale symbols so that they are maximized within one 'cell' of
    the font. If we do this for the Braille glyphs the bottom dots from un
    upper line will (almost) touch the top dots of the next line. This is
    not useful.
    We add padding around the Braille glyphs, to get about the same distance
    to the cell borders as the different dots in one glyph have to the
    other (~10 %, 5% on each side).
    This also activated the previous commit's shift-fix-code that is only
    active on padded glyphs.
    Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
    Finii committed Sep 7, 2022
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    c8bd64c View commit details
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