Tags: ryannazaretian/robotpy-wpilib
Toggle 2016.2.4's commit message
TimerTask enhancements
- Will throw an exception if period is < 0
- Catches up the wait_til time if it goes negative
Toggle 2016.2.3's commit message
Re-enable Gearsbot and pacgoat tests
Toggle 2016.2.2's commit message
Some optimization for simulated hal routines
Toggle 2016.2.1's commit message
Toggle 2016.2.0's commit message
Merge pull request robotpy#180 from robotpy/can2016
Update CANTalon for 2016
Toggle 2016.1.4's commit message
Catch the right exception when removing the ultrasonic
Toggle 2016.1.3's commit message
Fix bugs in ultrasonic implementation
- Add some tests
- Allow setAutomaticMode to be called multiple times
- Properly free the background task
Toggle 2016.1.2's commit message
Modify timertask to be resilient to falling behind
Toggle 2016.1.1's commit message
Fix crash in PIDController
Toggle 2016.1.0's commit message
Fix win_bins in installer
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