A color-scheme that was heavily inspired by the JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA default theme, but was carefully refined to bring a more pleasant, aesthetic, and contrasting experience to our beloved Neovim.
- Treesitter support
- NvimTree support
- 256 colors
- Beautiful contrasting (IntelliJ like) colors
enabled for true color support- (recommended) Neovim 0.5
- (recommended) Treesitter
With Packer
use { "briones-gabriel/darcula-solid.nvim", requires = "rktjmp/lush.nvim" }
With Plug
Plug 'briones-gabriel/darcula-solid.nvim'
Plug 'rktjmp/lush.nvim'
Or you can use your favorite plugin manager.
In your init.vim
colorscheme darcula-solid
set termguicolors
Or in init.lua
vim.cmd 'colorscheme darcula-solid'
vim.cmd 'set termguicolors'
And because the plugin is build with Lush, you can freely copy and edit the color-scheme to fit your needs.