strapi plugin to import csv (that works with relations and file upload)
Based on how-to-create-an-import-content-plugin
1 - Clone inside yourStrapiProject/plugins (The name of the folder should be import-csv)
git clone import-csv
2 - Install the plugin dependencies
- Import all simple type (not relations) content first: (Tick the import as media checkbox if you want the plugin to upload the file content)
- Import the relations: ("Match on" referes to what column should be used as identifier of the entity to update and therefore it is required)
The plugin was created to be used once and it was used, once, in a very custom context so take it with a bit of salt.
UI/UX & error handling could use some work.
Why import as media is not showing up?
Is your url link supported?
What happens when I try to update entities that already exist? Currently you can either create a new entity or update the relations of existent entities. Nothing more.