The simplest way to install rally-ci is pull docker image.
First you need to install docker. Installing docker in ubuntu may be done by following:
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install $ sudo usermod -a -G docker `id -u -n` # add yourself to docker group
NOTE: re login is required to apply users groups changes and actually use docker.
Pull docker image:
$ docker pull rallyforge/rally-ci
Or you may want to build rally-ci image from source:
$ cd ~/sources/rally-ci # cd to rally-ci sources on your system $ docker build -t myrally .
Create volume-directory:
$ mkdir ~/rally-ci-volume
This directory will be used to store configuration and logs.
$ cd ~/rally-ci-volume $ ln -s /etc/rally-ci/simulation-config.yaml config.yaml $ docker run -p 10022:22 -p 10080:80 -v $HOME/rally-ci-volume:/home/rally rallyforge/rally-ci
Now you can point your browser to http://localhost:10080/ and see a real time status of the service.
You should create a ssh key and upload it to gerrit (
$ cd ~/rally-ci-volume $ mkdir ~/.ssh $ ssh-keygen -f .ssh/id_rsa # create ssh keypair $ vi config.yaml # create configuration file $ sudo chown -R 65510 . $ sudo chmod -R g+w . $ cat .ssh/ # copy and paste this key to gerrit
And run container:
$ docker run -p 10022:22 -p 10080:80 -v $HOME/rally-ci-volume:/home/rally rallyforge/rally-ci
All logs may be found in ~/rally-ci-volume/. You may want to see the rally-ci logs in real time:
$ tail -f ~/rally-ci-volume/rally-ci.err.log
The rally-ci service will listen tcp ports:
- 10022 ssh service (for emergency situations)
- 10080 web service (jobs logs and realtime status of the service)
You may expose web and ssh ports to any numbers. Just use "-p 8080:80" to expose web to port 8080 instead of 10080.
Configuration file is yaml object (dictionary). Each key of this object represents name of section. Value of this object represents configuraion of this section.
Nearly all objects contain "module" key. The value of this key is plugin to be used to do all work.
Stream is plugin to be used for collecting events.
Standard stream for receiving gerrit events.
Sample config:
stream: module: rallyci.streams.gerrit username: joe hostname: port: 29418
Used for testing. Will read events from file line by line.
Sample config:
stream: module: rallyci.streams.fake path: /path/to/json/file/with/events.json
Loggers are used to log scripts output.
Logs scripts output to local files.
Sample config:
loggers: file: module: rallyci.loggers.logfile path: /store/log/rally-ci/
Each environment performs some actions and export environment variables.
This environment is used to export gerrit event variables to script's env.
Sample config:
module: rallyci.environments.event export-event: GERRIT_PROJECT: change.project GERRIT_REF: patchSet.ref
Simple environment to export any static variables. Does not have any configuration at this level. All configuration is done in "jobs" section (see full config example).
Sample config:
dummy: module: rallyci.environments.dummy
Nodepools are used to manage worker nodes.
Return node with less running jobs.
Sample configuraion:
nodepools: localdocker: module: rallyci.nodepools.fair tasks_per_node: 2 nodes: - hostname: username: rally port: 33 - hostname: username: admin key: /home/rally/.ssh/superkey
The config above has two nodes in pool. First node has non standard ssh port.
Runners are used to run scripts on VM's or containers created on nodes from nodepools. Containers or VM's are created by runner according to runner's configuration.
Run jobs in docker containers. Build images from dockerfiles hardcoded in config:
runners: localdocker: nodepool: localdocker module: rallyci.runners.docker images: ubuntu-dev: | FROM ubuntu:14.04 MAINTAINER Sergey Skripnick <> RUN apt-get update && apt-get install python2.7-dev RUN useradd -u 65510 -m rally USER rally WORKDIR /home/rally RUN mkdir openstack && cd openstack && \ git clone git://
Used for testing. Does nothing but sleeping random delays. Always returns success.
Work in progress.
Work in progress.
Scripts may be used for running tests and building images.
Sample scripts section:
scripts: git_checkout: interpreter: /bin/bash -xe -s data: | cd $GERRIT_PROJECT && git checkout master && git pull git fetch$GERRIT_PROJECT $GERRIT_REF git checkout FETCH_HEAD && git rebase master run_tox: interpreter: /bin/bash -xe -s data: | tox -epy27
Jobs definitions. Key is the name of job, value is configuration.
Configuration consist of following sections:
- envs
- runner
Sample jobs section:
jobs: py27: envs: - name: event - name: dummy export: RCI_TOXENV: py27 runner: name: localdocker image: ubuntu-dev scripts: - git_checkout - run_tox
This sections descibes which jobs run for which projects:
projects: "openstack/nova": jobs: - pep8 - py27 "openstack/designate" jobs: - py34 - rally
Full working sample may be found in source code tree in file etc/sample-config.yaml.
Example full configuration:
--- stream: module: rallyci.streams.gerrit username: CHANGEME hostname: port: 29418 loggers: file: module: rallyci.loggers.logfile path: /home/rally/ci-logs/ environments: event: module: rallyci.environments.event export-event: GERRIT_PROJECT: change.project GERRIT_REF: patchSet.ref dummy: module: rallyci.environments.dummy nodepools: localdocker: module: rallyci.nodepools.fair tasks_per_node: 2 nodes: - hostname: localhost runners: localdocker: nodepool: localdocker module: rallyci.runners.docker images: ubuntu-dev: | FROM ubuntu:14.04 MAINTAINER Sergey Skripnick <> RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y install git python2.7 bash-completion python-dev libffi-dev \ libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev RUN apt-get -y install python-pip RUN pip install tox==1.6 RUN useradd -u 65510 -m rally USER rally WORKDIR /home/rally RUN git config --global "" && \ git config --global "Mirantis Rally CI" RUN mkdir openstack && cd openstack && \ git clone git:// scripts: git_checkout: interpreter: /bin/bash -xe -s data: | env cd $GERRIT_PROJECT && git checkout master && git pull git fetch$GERRIT_PROJECT $GERRIT_REF git checkout FETCH_HEAD && git rebase master || true git clean -fxd -e .tox -e *.egg-info git diff --name-only master tox: interpreter: /bin/bash -xe -s data: cd $GERRIT_PROJECT && tox -e$RCI_TOXENV jobs: py27: envs: - name: event - name: dummy export: RCI_TOXENV: py27 runner: name: localdocker image: ubuntu-dev scripts: - git_checkout - tox projects: "openstack/rally": jobs: - py27
The configuration above will run tox -epy27 on each patch in openstack/rally.