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Steps Involved After loading the dataset, we can start the exploration but before that, we need to check and see that the dataset is ready for performing several exploration operations or not, so let’s first have a look at the structure and the manner in which the data is organized.

Data Cleaning

Our data set contains a large number of null values in the rating column, so we drop them. Some of the columns have a smaller number of null values, so we replace the null values in these columns with the mode value of that particular column. Our data set also contain the duplicate rows for a single application. We also drop the duplicate rows because the rows contain the identical data. Also drop the rows, which have rating greater than 5.

Data Transforming

From the information of data frame, we can see that all the columns except rating have the object data type but some of the columns like, reviews, size, installs and price have the numerical value. So, we have to transform them in proper data type and also remove the unwanted values from the numerical columns like ‘+’ and ‘,’ from installs and ‘$’ from price. In the size column we have some values in KB and some values in MB, so we transform all the values in MB.

Exploratory Data Analysis

After establishing a good sense of each feature, we proceeded with plotting a pairwise plot between all the quantitative variables to look for any evident patterns or relationships between the features. There is a high variance in the number of installs and in number of reviews. To overcome this problem, we add two new columns to the data frame named: log_installs and log_review, which contain the logarithmic values of installs and review columns, respectively.

Single Variate Analysis After that we analysis all the columns one by one to examine whether the particular column contain some useful information or not:

Category We breakdown the apps by category and observe that family and game categories have the maximum number of apps in the play store. Weather, house and home, comics, events, beauty, and parenting are the categories which have a few numbers of apps.

Data wrangling

Apart from this, two new columns were added to the main data frame, namely, “Rating Group”, and “Revenue”. This is done to improve simplify the analysis and come up with different meaningful visualizations

Rating Group: This column groups the apps based on the average user rating. (4-5: Top rated, 3-4: Above average, 2-3: Average, 1-2: Below average). Revenue: This column gives the revenue generated by the app through app installs alone. By doing these operations on the original dataset, we are ready with the data pipeline, and data visualizations can be done on it. All the apps in play store have the rating between 0.5 to 5. Maximum apps have the rating between 3.8 to 4.5. Installs We analysis the install column to observe the effect of size, price, rating, content rating, android version on app installation number. We can analysis that for each and every category number of app installation does not depend on the size. The free apps installed mostly. The apps which can be used by everyone is more installed than the apps which can be used by a particular age group. Rating of mostly installed apps is between 4 and 5.

🛠 Challenges Faced:

Reading the dataset and comprehending the problem statement. Our major challenge was data cleaning. Handling the error, duplicate and NaN values in the dataset. 13.60% of reviews were NaN values, and even after merging both the dataframes, we could not infer much in order to fill them. Thus we had to drop them. The merged data frame of both play store and user reviews, had only 816 common apps. This is just 10% of the cleaned data, we could have given more valuable analysis, if we had atleast 70% - 80% of the data available in the merged dataframes. User Reviews had 42% of NaN values, which could have been used for developing an understanding of the category wise sentiments, which would help us to fill 13.60% NaN values of the Reviews column.


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