Courses from the Data Science master's at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Cryptography and security (cas)
- Information theory and signal processing (itsp)
- Intelligent agents (ia)
- Optional project in data science (op)
- Student seminar: security protocols and applications (spa)
- Applied biostatistics (ab)
- Stochastic processes (sp)
- Information security and privacy (isp)
- Lab in data science (lds)
- Philosophy, epistemology and history of science II
- Projet de semestre en data science
- Systems for data science (sds)
- Applied Data Analysis (ada)
- Data Visualization (data-viz)
- Functional Programming (fp)
- Machine Learning (ml)
- A Network Tour of Data Science (ntp)
- Statistics for Data Science (statistics)
- Philosophy, epistemology and history of science I
Markon Chains and Algorithmic ApplicationsComputational Complexity
Courses from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University
- Linear Algebra - algebra
- Fundamentals of programming - fop
- Computer Systems Architecture - asc
- Computational Logic - logic
- Analysis - analysis
- Object-Oriented Programming - oop
- Operating Systems - os
- Dynamical Systems - dynsys
- Graph Theory - graphs
- Data Structures and Algorithms - dsa
- Geometry - geometry
- Advanced Methods of Programming - map
- Networking - networking
- Logic and functional Programming - plf
- Statistics - statistics
- Databases
- Artificial intelligence - ai
- mpp - Two persons
- Software Engineering
- Database management systems
- Web programming - web
- Formal Languages and Compiler Design
- Collective project
- Parallel and Distributed Programming
- Mobile Application Programming
- Software security
- Public-Key Cryptography